205 "By the most holy Hippolytus, (bishop) of Rome: The Exact Account o( the Times," etc. From Gallandi. This fragment seems to have belonged to the beginning or introduction to the commentary of Hippolytus on Daniel.
206 In Anstasius Sinaita, quaest. xlviii. p. 327.
208 From the Catena Patrum in Psalmos ct Cantica, vol. iii. ed. Corderianae, pp. 951, ad v, 87.
209 This apocryphal story of Susannah is found in the Greek texts of the LXX. and Theodotion, in the old Latin and Vulgate, and in the Syriac and Arabic versions. But there is no evidence that it ever formed part of the Hebrew, or of the original Syriac text. It is generally placed at the beginning of the book, as in the Greek mss.. and the old Latin, but is also sometimes set at the end, as in the Vulgate, ed. Compl.
213 Prov. i. 32 ; in our version given as, "The prosperity of fools shall destroy them."
216 That is, Daniel, present in the spirit of prophecy.-Combef.
220 Cotelerius reads olojinstead of o logoj, and so = and He is Himself the whole or universal eye.
221 De Magistris, Acta Martyrum Ostiens., p. 405.
222 He is giving his opinion on the epiousion/, i.e., the "daily bread."
223 Mai, Script. vet. collectio nova, vol ix. p. 645, Rome, 1837.
225 Pearson On the Creed, art. iv. p. 355.
226 These are edited in Arabic and Latin by Fabricius, Opp. Hippol., ii. 33. That these are spurious is now generally agreed. The translation is from the Latin version, which alone is given by Afigne.
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