128 Reading apefhnato for apekrinato.

129 Luke xviii. 2-5.

130 Jer. iv. 11.

131 Isa. viii. 6, 7.

132 Mic. v. 5. The Septuagint reads auth = And (he) shall be the peace to it. Hippolytus follows the Hebrew, but makes the pronoun feminine, auth referring to the peace. Again Hippolytus reads orh = mountains, where the Septuagint has xwran = land, and where the Hebrew word = fortresses or palaces. [He must mean that "the Assyrian" = Antichrist. "The peace" is attributable only to the "Prince of peace." So the Fathers generally.]

133 Deut. xxxii. 34, 35.

134 ouai ghj ploiwn pterugej.

135 metewpon.

136 Isa. xviii. 1, 2.

137 Wordsworth, reading wj iston for wj ton, would add, like a mast. See his Commentary on Acts xxvii. 40.

138 kutoj, a conjecture of Combefisius for kuklon.

139 linon, proposed by the same for ploion, boat.

140 yhfaroi, a term of doubtful meaning. May it refer to the karxhsia?

141 The text reads here ainoumenoi, for which airoumenoi is proposed, or better, hwroumenoi.

142 Rev. xii. 1-6, etc.

143 ton Aogon ton IIatraon.

144 gennwsa ek kardiaj.

145 Ps. cx. 1.

146 Rev. xi. 3.

147 [Concerning Antichrist, two advents, etc., see vol. iv. p. 219, this series]

148 Mal. iv. 2.

149 Matt. xxiv. 15-22; Mark xiii. 14-20; Luke xxi. 20-23.

150 Dan. xi. 31, Dan. xii. 11, 122. The Hebrew has 1,335 as the number in the second verse.

151 Hippolytus reads here ep authj instead of ep auton, and makes the pronoun therefore refer to the coming.

152 2 Thess. ii. 1-11.

153 Isa. xxvi. 10.

154 Luke xxi. 28.

155 Luke xxi. 18.

156 Matt. xxiv. 27, 28.

157 The word ptwma, used in the Greek as = carcase, is thus interpreted by Hippolytus as = fall, which is its literal sense.

158 Matt. xxiv. 31.

159 Ps. xix. 6.

160 Isa. xxvi. 20.

161 Rom. i. 17.

162 Dan. xii. 2.

163 Isa. xxvi. 19.

164 John v. 25.

165 Eph. v. 14. Epiphanius and others suppose that the words thus cited by Paul are taken from the apocryphal writings of Jeremiah: others that they are a free version of Isa. lx. 1. [But their metrical form justifies the criticism that they are a quotation from a hymn of the Church, based, very likely, on the passage from Isaiah.]

166 Rev. xx. 6.

167 Matt. xiii. 43.

168 Matt. xxv. 34.

169 Rev xxii. 15.

170 Isa. lxvi. 24.

171 1 Thess. iv. 12.

172 [The immense value of these quotations, authenticating the Revelations and other Scriptures, must be apparent. Is not this treatise a vioce to our own times of vast significance?]

173 Tit. ii. 13.

174 Ps. 1xix. 1ff.

175 Ps. xvi. 10.

176 oikonomikwj. [The Fathers find Christ everywhere in Scripture, and often undersnnd the expressions of David to be those of our Lord's humanity, by economy.]

177 Phil. ii. 7.

178 John xiv. 6.

179 The text is outwj, for which read perhaps ote = when.

180 Cf. Matt. xxiii. 38.

181 Wisd. ii, 1, 12, 13.

182 Wisd. ii, 15, 16.

183 Wisd. ii. 14, 16, 17, 20. [The argument is ad hominem. The Jews valued this book, but did not account it to be Scripture; yet this quotation is a very remarkable comment on what ancient Jews understood concerning the Just One. Comp. Acts iii. 14, Acts vii. 52, and Acts xxii. 14.]

184 Ps. ii. 5.

185 Wisd. v. 1-9.

186 (Compare Justin, vol. i. p. 194; Clement, vol. ii. pp 334-343; Tertullian, vol. iii. p. 151; Origen, vol. iv. p. 402, etc.; and Cyprian, vol. v., this series.]

187 Hades, in the view of the ancients, was the general receptacle of souls after their separation from the body, where the good abode happily in a place of light ( fwteinw), and the evil all in a place of darkness ( skotiwterw). See Colomesii Keimhlia litteraria, 28, and Suicer on adhj. Hence Abraham's bosom and paradise were placed in Hades. See Olympiodorus on Eccles., iii. p, 264. The Macedonians, on the authority of Hugo Broughton, praying in the Lord's words, "Our Father who art in Hades" ( IIathr hmwn o en adh) (Fabricius). [Hippolytus is singular in assigning the ultimate receptacle of lost spirits to this Hades. But compare vol. iii. p. 428, and vol. iv. pp 293, 495, 541, etc.]

188 Cf. Constitut. Apostol., viii. 41.

189 akataskeuastoj.

190 Or it may be "seasonable," proskaroiuj.

191 tropwn. There is another reading, topwn = of the places.

192 [They do not pass into an intermediate purgatory, nor require prayers for "the repose of their souls."]

193 triboloj. [Also the Pindaric citation in my note, vol, i. 74.]

194 In the Parallela is inserted here the word epigelwntej, deriding them.

195 geenna.

196 According to the reading in Parallela, which inserts canqhn = red.

197 The text reads kai ou, and where. But in Parallela it is kai outoi= and these see, etc. In the same we find wj mhte for kai touj dikaiouj.

198 [It would be hard to frame a system of belief concerning the state of the dead more entirely exclusive of purgatory, i e., a place where the souls of the faithful are detained till (by Masses and the like) they are relieved and admitted to glory, before the resurrection. See vol. iii. p. 706.]

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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