359 kainopreph tropon.

360 to kat amfw fusikwj analloiwton.

361 eij pistwsin.

362 enanqrwphsewj. [See Athanasian Creed, in Dutch Hymnal.]

363 mhden exoushj faulothtoj.

364 energeiaj monadi.

365 tautorgian.

366 monhj thj twn omofuwn proswpwn omofuouj tautothtoj.

367 diskou.

368 selhniakou stoixeiou.

369 poluphghtou twn astrwn mousiou.

370 fudewj.

371 stoixeia.

372 Ps. cxlviii. 4.[Pindar ( =Ariston men udwr, Olymp., i. x), is expounded and then transcended.]

373 aciopistian.

374 Hos. vi. 3.

375 John iv. 14.

376 John vii. 38.

377 Matt. iii. 13.

378 Ps. xlvi. 4.

379 Economically.

380 Ps. lxxvii. 16.

381 Ps. cxiv. 5.

382 Phil. ii. 7.

383 Matt. iii. 7.

384 John i. 20.

385 ou parqenian esteirwsa. So Gregory Thaumaturgus, Sancta Theophania, p. 106, edit. Vossii: "Thou, when born of the Virgin Mary,... didst not loose her virginity; but didst preserve it, and gifted her with the name of mother."

386 Luke i. 20.

387 Matt. ii. 9.

388 John i. 27.

389 Matt. iii. 11.

390 paraptw.

391 It was a common opinion among the ancient theologians that the devil was ignorant of the mystery of the economy, founding on such passages as Matt. iv. 3, 1 Cor. ii. 8. (Fabricius.) [See Ignatius, vol. i. p. 57 this series.]

392 gumnoj.

393 aprostateutoj.

394 Matt. iii. 14.

395 akanonista dogmatizeij.

396 Matt. iii. 15.

397 Rom. x. 4.

398 Matt. iii. 16, 17.

399 Ps. xxiv. 7.

400 fwj aulon genna fwj aproston. The Son is called "Light of Light" in the Discourse against Noetus, ch. x. [See p. 227 supra.] In fwj aprositon the reference is to 1 Tim. vi. 16.

401 epefanh ouk efanh. See Dorner's Doctrine of the Person of Christ, div. i. vol. ii. p. 97 (Clark).

402 Ps. xxix. 3.

403 Luke ix. 5. [Compare the Paradoxes, attributed to Racon, in his Works, vol. xiv p. 143; also the Appendix, pp. 139-142.]

404 rapizomenoj, referring to the slap in the process of manumitting slaves.

405 Heb. i. 3.

406 Matt. xxvi. 67. [From which proceeds His Church.]

407 That is, the sin introduced by Eve, who was formed by God out of Adam's side. (Fabricius.)

408 estai kai Qeoj, referring probably to 1 Pet. i. 4, ina dia toutwn genhsqe qeiaj koinwnoi fusewj, "that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature." [See vol. iii. p. 317, note 11. Tertullian anticipates the languge of the "Athanasian Confession,"-"taking the manhood into God; " applicable, through Christ, to our redeemed humanity. Eph. ii. 6.; Rev. iii. 21.]

409 kolumbhqraj.

410 Rom. viii. 17.

411 Gen. i. 2.

412 Acts xxviii. 25.

413 Matt. iii. 16.

414 Acts ii. 3.

415 Ps. li. 10.

416 Luke i. 35.

417 Matt. xvi. 16.

418 Matt. xvi. 18.

419 John xvi. 26.

420 taknon.

421 Isa. i. 16-19.

422 This seems to refer to what the poets sing as to the sun rising out of the waves of ocean. (Fabricius.) [Note, this is not said of such as Simon Magus, but of one who puts off the bondage, i.e., of corruption. Our author's perorations are habitually sublime.]

423 From a Discourse on the Resurrection, in Anastasius Sinaita, Hodegus, p 350. This treatise is mentioned in the list of his works given on the statue, and also by Jerome, Sophronius, Nicephorus, Honorius, etc.

424 Matt. xxii. 3O.

425 areusia.

426 gennatai.

427 From the Discourse on the Theology or the Doctrine of Christ's Divine Nature, extant in the Acts of the Lateran Council, under Martinus 1., ann. 649, secret. v. p. 287, vol. vii. edit. Veneto-Labb.

428 peri qeologiaj.

429 ou to mh qelein.

430 treptou kai proaipetou.

431 From a Homily on the Lord's Paschal Supper, ibid., p. 293.

432 olo:.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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