436 From a Discourse on Elkanah and Hannah. In Theodoret, Dial. I., bearing the title "Unchangeable" ( atreptoj); Works, vol. iv. p. 36.
437 From the same Discourse. From Theodoret's Second Dialogue, bearing the title "Unmixed," asugxutoj; Works, vol. iv. p. 88.
439 Man's nature was never before in heaven. John iii. 13; Acts ii. 34.
440 From an Oration on "The Lord is my Shepherd." In Theodoret, Dial. I. p. 36.
442 From a Discourse on the "Great Song" [i.e., Ps. xc. See Bunsen, i. p. 285. Some suppose it Ps. cxix.] In Theodoret, Dial. II. pp. 88, 89.
443 ton katw eij ta anw. [See p. 238, note 17, supra.]
444 From a Discourse on the beginning of Isaiah. In Theodoret, Dial. I. p. 36.
445 From a second Oration on Daniel. In the tractate of Eustratius, a presbyter of the Church of Constantinople, "Against those who allege that souls, as soon as they are released from the body, cease to act," ch. xix., as edited by Allatius in his work on the Continuous Harmony of the Westren and the Eastern Church on the Dogma of Purgatory, p. 492. [Conf. Macaire, Theol. Orthod., ii, p. 725.]
446 [Nothing of this in the hymn: hence my brackets.]
447 From an Oration on the Distribution of Talents. In Theodoret, Dial. II. p. 88.
448 From a Discourse on "The two Robbers." In Theodoret's Third Dialogue, bearing the title "Impassible" ( apaqhj), p. 156.
449 Preserved by the author of the Chronicon Paschale, ex ed. Cangii, p. 6.
450 i.e., the opponent of Hippolytus, one of the forerunners of the Quartodecimans.
451 [For pro & con see Speaker's Com., note to Matt. xxvi.]
453 From a Letter of Hippolytus to a certain queen. In Theodoret's Dial. II., bearing the title "Unmixed" ( asugxutoj). and Dial. III., entitled "Impassible" ( apaqhj) [pp. 238-239 Suprs].
454 On the question as to who this queen was, see Stephen le Moyne, in notes to the Varia Sacra, pp. 1103, 1112. In the marble monument mention is made of a letter of Hippolytus to Severina. [Bunsen decides that she was only a princess, a daughter of Alexander Severus. See his Hippolitus, i. p. 276.]
457 John xx. 27; Luke xxiv. 39.
458 Extract in Palladius, Hist.
459 Nicephorus also mentions her in his Hist. Eccl., vii. 13.
460 [On the morality of this see vol. ii. pp. 538, 556.]
461 From the same, chap. cxlix.
462 Nicephorus gives this story also, Hist. Eccl., vii. 13.
1 This discourse seems to have been a homily addressed to the people. Fabricius, Works of Hippolylus, vol, ii.
3 gegonota. Codex Baroccianus gives eurhkota.
5 Others, tou uiou tou Qeon, of the Son of God.
6 qeotokou. [The epithet applied to the Blessed Virgin by the "Council of Ephesus," against Nestorius, A.D. 431. Elucidation, p. 259. This is one of those terms which some allege not to have been yet in use in the time of Hippolytus. But, as Migne observes, if there were no other argument than this against the genuineness of this discourse, this would not avail much, as the term is certainly used by Origen, Metbodius, and Dionysius Alex., who were nearly coeval with Hippolytus.
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