59 After Irenaeus, book v. ch. xxx. [vol. i. p. 559, this series], many of the ancients express this opinion. See too Bellarmine, De Pontifice Roni., iii. 12.
62 fwnhn ocuthtoj. There is another reading, spoudhn = haste.
63 xremetismou. [Conf. p. 207, supra.]
66 Or, the theologian. The Apocalypse (xi. 3) mentions only two witnesses, who are understood by the ancients in general as Enoch and Elias. The author of the Chronicon Paschale, p. 21, on Enoch, says: "This is he who, along with Elias, is to withstand Antichrist in the last days, and to confute his deceit, according to the tradition of the Church." This addition as to the return of John the Evangelist is somewhat more uncommon. And yet Ephriem of Antioch, in Photius, cod. ccxxix., states that this too is supported by ancient, ecclesiastical tradition, Christ's saying in John xxi. 22 being understood to that effect. See also Hippolytus, De Antichristo, ch. l. p. 213, supra.-Migne. [Enoch and Elias are not dead. But see Heb. ix. 27.]
67 Dan. ix. 27. ( Note our author's adoption of the plan of a year for a day, Ezek. iv. 6. See Pusey, Daniel, p. 165.]
69 Rev. xi. 6; [ 1 Kings xvii. 1; Ecclus. xlviii. 3].
70 para tou diabolou, [That is, by the devil.]
71 anafanen. But Cod. B reads anafuen.
72 anomiaj. Cod. B gives apwleiaj, perdition: and for mellei = is to, it reads qelei = wishes. [ 2 Thess. ii. 3, 4-8.]
73 God. B gives aeiparqenou, ever-virgin.
74 en planh. Cod, B reads akribwj, exactly. Many of tbe ancients hold that AntiChrist will be a demon in human figure. See Augustine, Sulpicius Severus, in Dialogue II., and Philippus Dioptra, iii. 11, etc.
75 fantastikhn thj sarkoj autou ousian.
77 Cod. B reads thn qeotokon egnwmen sarkikwj kai aplanwj, instead of the text, sarkoforon aplanwj, etc. [ Conf. vol. iii. p. 523.]
78 Ex. xxxiv. 19; Num. viii. 16; Luke ii. 23.
82 Dan. ix. 27, [The anomia which more and more prevail. in our age in all nations, makes all this very significant to us, of "the last days."]
85 arnoumai. But these letters of the word arnoumai in their numerical value will not give the number 666 unless it is written arnoume. See Haymo on the Apocalypse, book iv.
86 The text is in confusion: epeidh kaiprwhn dia twn uphretwn autou o antidikoj exqroj h goun twn eidwlolatrwn, toij martusi tou Xristou proetrepon oi anomoi, etc.
87 antidikoj. In B, planoj = deceiver.
88 B reads ton kosmon, the world.
90 [Note this. The faithful are to have the Holy Scriptures in their hand. But this has been condemned by repeated bulls and anathemas of Roman pontiffs: e.g.,by Clement XI., A.D. 1713:and no Bible in the vulgar tongue ever appeared in Rome till A.D. 1870, on the overthrow of the papal kingdom.]
92 [The reference is to Mal. i. II, and incenseis expounded spiritually by the Ante-Nicene Fathers generally See Irenaeus, vol. i. p. 574, Tertullian, iii. p. 346 and passim.]
94 [The public reading of Scripture-lessons is implied, Acts xv. 21. See Hooker, Eccl. Pol., book v. cap. xix.]
95 paqwn. B reads pagidwn, snares.
99 See Jo. Voss, These Theolog., p. 228. [And compare, concerning Constantine's vision, Robertson and his notes, Hist., vol. i. p. 186, and newman's characteristic argument in his Essay on Miracles, prefixed to the third volume of his Fleury, pp. 133-143.]
102 polloi, (or the received oi nekroi.
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