1 Oxford ed.: Ep. xiv. A.D. 250.

2 It is thought that Cyprian here speaks of an order of men called "Parabolani," who systematically devoted themselves to the service of the sick and poor and imprisoned. [Acts iv. 6 , oi newteroi.]

3 Ecclus. xi. 28. [Conf. Solon, Herod., i. 86.]

4 Apoc. ii. 10.

5 Matt. x. 22.

6 John xiii. 14, 15. [The parabolaniwere so called circaA.D. 415.]

7 2 Thess. iii. 8.

8 Luke xiv. 11.

9 [Strange, indeed, that such should be found amid the persecuted sheep of Christ; but it illustrates the history of Callistus at Rome, and the possibility of such characters enlisting in the Churcb.]

10 [" Whence hath it tares?" Ans.: "An enemy hath done this." See Matt. xiii. 27; Acts xx. 29-31.]

11 [Elucidation 11. This was the canonical duty neglected by Callistus and his predecessor, who "imagined," etc. See p. 156, supra.]

1 Oxford ed.: Ep. xiii. [Rogatian was a bishop afterwards.]

2 A beautiful aphorism. See below, note 8, this page.]

3 John v 14.

4 Isa. lxvi. 2.

5 Rom. ii. 24.

6 Matt. v, 16.

7 Phil. ii. 15.

8 1 Pet. ii. 11, 12.

9 [The shameof the Church is the shameof the bishop. See above, note I; also 1 Tim. v. 22.]

10 Either as criminals having returned from banishment without authority, or as having committed some crime for which they became amenable to punishment. See 1 Pet. iv. 15: "But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evil-doer."

11 Rom. xi. 20, 21. [How significant this warning to Rome!]

12 Isa. liii. 7.

13 Isa. l. 5. 6.

14 John xiii.,16.

15 Luke ix. 48.

16 " Illustrata." The Oxford translation has "bathed in light."

17 [That is, i( they have night actually committed the great sin themselves, yet, etc. See vol. ii. p. 57.]

18 Lev. xix. 18.

19 Matt. xxii. 39.

20 Gal. v. 15. [See note 9, infra.]

21 The following is found only in one ms.. Its genuineness is there fore doubted by some: "And although I have most fully written to our clergy, both lately when you were still kept in prison, and now also a sin, to supply whatever was needful, either for your clothing or for your food, yet I myself have also sent you from the small meanof my own which I had with me, 250 pieces: and another,o I had also sent before. Victor also, who from a reader has become a dea-, con, and is with me, sent you 175. But I rejoice when I know that very many of our brethren of their love are striving with each other, and are aiding your necessities with their contributions."

1 Oxford ed.; Ep. xi. A.D. 250.

2 [Compare, in former letters, similar complaints, to which brie[ notes are subjoined. And mark the honest simplicity o( these confessions. 2 Peter ii. 13, 14, 15.]

3 Luke xii. 47.

4 Ps. lxxxix. 30-32.

5 Satisfacimus.

6 Ps. lxxxix. 33.

7 Luke xi. 10.

8 [A comment on Luke xviii. 3, compared with Matt. xviii. 19. Importunity necessary, even in the latter case.]

9 Ps. lxviii. 6. [Vulgate and Anglican Psaker version.]

10 Acts iv. 32.

11 John xv. 12.

12 Matt. xviii. 19.

13 [After the manner of Hermas. Vol. ii. p.24, note 2.]

14 Heb. xii. 6.

15 Col. iv. 2.

16 Luke vi. 12.

17 Luke xxii. 31, 32.

18 Rom. viii. 35.

19 [A vision granted to the pastor in behalf of his flock. See Vulgate version of Ps. lxxxix. 19, which Cyprian's, doubtless, antics-p ated.] This prediction of settled timeswas published in unsettled ones; and it was fulfilled by the sudden and unexpected death of Decius, in his expedition against the Goths.

20 Luke ix. 62.

21 Gen. xix. 26.

22 [Saying, "our Father," not "my Father." Vol. i. p. 62.]

1 Oxford ed.; Ep. x. A.D. 250.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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