4 "And. moreover, by the smoke of fire, and our suffering was so intolerable," etc.; v. l.
5 These parenthical words are necessary to the sense, but are omitted in the original.
6 "Pejerario." There are many conjectures as to the meaning at this. Perhaps the most plausible is the emendation, "Petrario" "in the mines."
7 This epistle, as well as the preceding, seems to be very imperfect, having probably been "written," says the Oxford translator, "by persons little versed in writing,-confessors, probably, of the less instructed sort." The meaning in many places is very unsatisfactory.
1 Oxford ed.: Ep. xxvii. A.D. 250.
2 Some read, "his mother and sisters, who had fallen."
3 [A Cyprianic aphorism applicable to the "The Fathers."]
4 Gal. i. 6-9. [Applicable to the new Marian dogma.]
1 Oxford ed.: Ep. xxix. The numbering of the epistles has hitherto been in accordance with Migne's edition of the text: but as he here follows a typographical error in numbering the epistle "xxiv.," and all the subsequent ones accordingly, it has been thought better to continue the correct order in this translation. In each'case, therefore, after this. the number of the epistle in the translation will be one earlier than in Migne.
2 Not "teachers and presbyters," as in the Oxford translation, but "teacbing presbyters." For these were a distinct class of presbyters-all not being teachers,- and these were to be judges of the fitness of such as were to be teachers of the hearers. [According to Cyprian's theory, all presbyters shared in the government and celebrated the Lord's Supper, but only the more learned and gifted were preachers. 1 Tim. iv. 17.]
1 Oxford ed.: Ep. xxviii. [The See of Rome was now vacant by the death of Fabian. A.D. 250. See letter xxiv. infra.]
4 "And not to become a martyr for the Lord's cake" (or, "by the Lord's help"), "and to endeavour to overthrow the Lord's precepts." Baluz. reads "praeter," but in notes, "propter," while most mss. read "perDominum."
1 Oxford ed.: Ep. xxxi. [This epistle shows that Cyprian's gentle reproof of their former implied regret at his retreat (see p. 280, supra) had been effective.]
2 [Note this testimony to the universality of the persecution. Vol. iv. p. 125, this series.]
3 Supplicia sua post fidem amare coepisse.
9 [Note the power of Holy Scripture in creating and supporting the martyr-spirit.]
10 [See valuable note, Oxford translation, p. 71.]
11 Lit. "of our postponement."
12 [I have amended the translation here from the Oxford trans ]
13 [An important testimony to Cyprian's judicious retirement, in the spirit of St. Paul, Phil. i. 24. ]
14 " Sanctum." [Note what follows: a rule for our times.]
15 [An important testimony to the Cyprianic theory from members of the Roman presbytery.]
16 [The extent of the lapses which Cyprian strove to cheka by due austerity must be noted.]
17 [The casting of a grain of incense upon the coals before an image, to escape death.]
19 [Note the profound convictions in these very lapsers o( the truth of the Gospel and of the value of full communion with Christ.]
1 Oxford ed.: Ep. xxxiii. A.D. 250.
2 [This is the Cyprianic idea. The idea that this was peculiar to any one bishop had never entered his mind. See vol. iv. p. 99.]
4 [ Elucidated and worked out in the Treatise on Unity, infra.]
1 Oxford ed.: Ep. xxxiv. A.D. 250.
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