2 Hence are suggested illustrations of good men from the beginning of the world who have suffered martyrdom, especially that which surpasses all examples, the passion of our Lord. What excitement is afforded to the endurance of martyrdom by the brave and ready enduring of the contests of the stadium and the theatre. Finally, let the reward be considered, which now, moreover, animates and influences us to sustain everything.
4 [It has been a question whether this dailyreception of the communion was confined to times o( persecution, or was more generally the custom. It seems to me exceptional. Freeman, vol. i. p. 383.]
11 [Preaching the eminent duty of true bishops. See letter li p 330, note 4, supra.]
15 [Referred to by St. Paul, Heb. xi.35. I say St. Pauladvisedly. See, to the contrary, Farrar, St. Paul, p. 6.]
17 [Valuable note, Oxford trans., Ep. lviii. p. 142, note k.]
22 Scil.: the signn of the cross in baptism.
23 It is observed here that the Eucharist was at this time received by the hand of the comnnmicant, and not placed in his mouth by the minister, as some have pretended was the original mode of administration. [See Cyril of Jerusalem, Mystagog., v. p. 1126, migne.]
1 Oxford ed.: Ep. lx. A.D. 252.
2 Damasus mentions this epistle in the life of Cornelius, as being that on account of which a calumny arose, whence the tyrant took an excuse for his death.
3 [Note the entire equality of these bishops. Carthage and Rome are of equal sacerdocy.]
4 [Cornelius the voice of his diocese only because they concur with him. Compare Leto, Vat. Council, p. 223 and passim.]
1 Oxford ed.: Ep lxi. A. D. 252.
2 [Hi episcopate lasted not six months. See Eusebius, H. E., vii. 2. He seems to have suffered martyrdom by the sword.]
3 [Not Novatian. The organization at Rome is here glanced at, as answering to the Cyprianic' theory in all respects.]
1 Oxford ed.: Ep. lxiv. [It would be unbecoming in me to add comments of my own on this letter. Such are the views of Cyprian; and one may see the opposite views, set forth with extreme candor, by Jeremy Taylor in his Liberty of Prophesying.]
2 This letter was evidently written after both synods concerning the lapsed, of which mention was made above in Epistle liii.; but whether a long time or a short time after is uncertain, although the context indicates that it was written during a time of peace.
3 [i.e., the decree of the synod, or council.]
4 [See letter liv. p. 340, supra.]
6 [A marvellous relic of pagan ideas. A new-born babe, after its bath, makes no such impression upon civilized minds.]
9 [I cannot refrain from quoting a layman's beautiful lines on the death of his son: -"Pure from all stain save that o( human clay, Which Christ's atoning blood had washed away." George Canning, A.D. 1770-18277.]
1 Oxford ed.: Ep. lxii. A. D. 253.
2 It is probable that this captivity was the work of those barbarians against whom Decius went to war and was killed.
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