3 Mention is made o( both letters in the Epistle to Jubaianus, and in the one that follows this.
5 [This is very much to be observed, at this outset of an important historical controversy. Cyprian was not conscious of any innovation. See.Oxford Tertull., vol. i. p. 280, note.]
8 [When a deacon baptized, he was regarded as using, not his own "key," but the keys of the priesthood, and as simply supplying a lawful hand to the absent priest. See p. 366, note 8, supra.]
11 [i.e., confirmation, called chrism, or unction, from 1 John ii. 27 and other Scriptures.]
12 An authorized reading here is, "But further, the Eucharist and the oil, whence the baptized are anointed. are sanctified on the altar."
13 [Material oil was not originally used in baptism or confirmation, but was admitted ceremonially, in divers rites, at an early period. Mark vi. 13; Jas. v. 14. Bunsen, Hippol., vol. ii. p. 322, note I.]
18 [Sec Cave, Prim. Christianity, p. 365.]
21 [The vigour of Cyprian's logic must be conceded. The discussion will show, as it proceeds, on what grounds it failed to enlist universal support. It resembled the Easter question, vol. i. p. 569.]
1 Oxford ed.: Ep. lxxi. A.D. 255.
2 [Note this, at the outset: it is presumptionin his colleague Stephen to act otherwise than as a general consent of the provinces seems to rule.]
3 [Otherwise, "which doubtless is one in the Catholic Church; and if this Church be one baptism cannot exist outside the Church." His theory of unity underlies all our author's conduct.]
4 [Note this, at the outset: it is presumptionin his colleague Stephen to act otherwise than as a general consent of the provinces seems to rule.]
6 [The local custom of the Roman Province seems to have justified Stephen's localpractice. It is a case similar to that of Polycarp and Anicetus disturbed by Victor, vol. i. 310, and 312.]
7 [But a primacy involves no supremacy. All the Gallicans, with Bossuet, insist on this. point. Cyprian now adopts, as his rule, St. Paul's example, Gal. ii. 5.]
8 [Here, then, is the whole of Cyprian's idea as to Peter, in a nutshell.]
9 1 Cor. xiv. 29, 30. [P. 379, note 4, infra,]
10 [With Cyprian it was an adjudged case. Stephen not only had no authority in the case, but, save by courtesy, even his primacywas confined to his own province.]
1 Oxford ed.: Ep. lxxii. [Concerning the council (seventh of Carthage), see the Acts, infra. Elucidation XVL]
3 The sense of this passage has been doubted but seems to be this: "The rite of confirmation, or the giving of the Holy Ghost, is of no avail unless baptism have first been conferred. For only by being born of each sacrament, scil. confirmation and baptism, can they be fully sanctified and be born again; since it is written, `Except a man be born of waterand of the Spirit,0' etc; which quotation is plainly meant to convey, that the birth of water is by baptism, that of the Spirit by confirmation."
4 John iii. 5. [Bingham, book xii. cap. i. sec. 4.]
5 [This case (Acts x. 47) was governed by the example of Christ, Matt. iii. 15. The baptism of the Spirit had preceded; yet as an act of obedience to Christ, and in honour of His example, St. Peter "fulfils all righteousness," even to the letter.]
9 [Obviously, the law of liberty here laid down might introduce the greatest confusion if not limited by common consent. Yet the tolerant spirit of our author merits praise. P. 378, notes 1, 2.]
1 Oxford ed.: Ep. lxxiii. A.D. 256.
2 In the year of Christ 256, a little after the seventh council of Carthage, Cyprian wrote a long letter to the Bishop Jubaianus. He had consulted Cyprian about baptism, and at the same time had sent a letter not written by himself, but by some other person opposed to the opinion of Cyprian.
3 [Letter lxx. sec. 4, p. 378, supra. Jubaian, was of Mauritania.]
4 [This helps us to understand the expression, p. 322, note2, supra.]
5 Or, "the source of baptism which is one."
6 [Note, that Cyprian believes himself to be sustaining a res adjudicata, and has no idea that the councils of the African Church need to be revised beyond seas. Letter lxx. p. 373, note a, supra.]
7 Or otherwise, "and other plagues of heretics subverting the truth with their swords and poisons."
8 Matt. xxviii. 18, 19. [Eluiidation XVII.]
10 John xx. 21-23. [See notes of Oxf. edition on this letter.]
11 [This sounds like Ignatius himself, whose style abounds in aphorisms. See vol. i. p. 45.]
13 John vi. 37, 38. [This quotation is amended by me, in strict accordance with the (ek thj koiliaj) Greek, which refers to the nobler cavity, not the inferior, of the human body.]
14 Or, "with the courage of faith."
15 [It would seem, then, that "custom" could be pleaded on both sides. This appeal is recognised in Scripture. 1 Cor. xi. 16; and see sec. 23, infra. As to preceding sentence, Elucidation XVII.]
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