1 Oxford ed.; Ep. vi. A.D. 257; possibly A.D. 250.

2 [ Luke xx. 35, Luke xxi. 36; 1 Thess. ii. 12. Such expressions in our author teach no worthiness apart from the merits of Christ.]

3 Matt. xxviii. 20.

4 Ps. cxvi. 15.

5 Ps. li. 19.

6 Wisd. iii. 4-8.

7 John xii. 28.

8 Matt. x. 28.

9 Rom. viii. 16, 17.

10 Rom. viii. 18.

11 [See p. 404, note 6, supra.]

12 Dan. iii. 16-18.

13 "Metator."

1 Oxford ed.: Ep. ixxx. As Cyprian suffered shortly after, in the month of September, there is no doubt but that this letter was written near the close of his life. A.D. 258.

2 Doubtless with Gallienus.

3 [Of Rome.]

4 [Elucidation XX.]

5 Or, "and with him Quartus."

6 (The modern name, Istamboul ( eij thn polin), grows out of like usage in the East. And, as Constantinople was "New Rome," this illustrates Irenaeus and his convenire, vol i. p. 460.]

7 [The baptismal question went by default, and was practically given up by the African Church, amid greater issues. It has never been dogmatically settled by the Church Catholic: and Roman usage is evasive (in spite of its own anathemas); for it baptizes again, subconditionel. See useful note, Oxford ed. p. 244.]

1 Oxford ed.: Ep. 1xxxi. [Cyprian's contest with Stephen is practically valueless as to the point at issue between them (see supra, p. 396), but it throws a flood of light on the questions raised by papal pretensions. It also illuminates the anti-Nicene doctrine of unity.]

2 Or, "commissaries."

3 [ Matt. x. 19. There is something sublime in the martyr's reliance upon this word of Jesus. See sec. 2, infra, and Eluciaation XXII.]

4 [Recur to the passion of this holy martyr as related by Pontius, his deacon, p. 390. Stephen had broken communion with him (see p. 390 note) and the African provinces, which had no effect upon his Catholic status. (See letter of Firmillian, p. 391 note.) But, on the Roman theory, this glorious martyr died in schism. He is, nevertheless, a canonized saint in the Roman Calendar. Elucidation XXII.]

5 Cap. xv. 15, 16, compared with Mal. i. 11.

6 Revised Version, margin. Rather, "ministering hierurgically."

7 For which, see vol. vii., this series.

8 See the Trent Catechism, cap. iv. quaestt. 73, 75.

9 Epistle xxiii. and Elucidation III.

10 Proposals, etc., by the Reverend Ministers of the Presbyterian Persuasion, London, 1661. An extract may be found in Leighton's Works, p. 637 Edinburgh, 1840.

11 Catechism of the Council of Trent, cap. vii. quaest. 12.

12 See the said work, p. 41.

13 Bishop Whittingham quotes the edition of Gerard Vossius, pp. 286-291.

14 Church Review, vol xi. 1859, pp. 88-127.

15 Consult Epistles xxv. (sec. 6, p. 3O4) and xxx. (sec. 5, p. 310), supra. It is interesting to note how the primitive clergy of Rome recognise this free principle, with no suspicion that their own catliedea is not only their sufficient resource, but the oracle of God to all mankind.

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