39 Gen. iii. 16.

40 Luke xx. 35, 36.

41 1 Cor. xv. 47.

1 "Christi sacramentum." army.]

2 Deut. vi. 13.

3 Isa. ii. 8, 9.

4 Ex. xxii. 20.

5 [ Mark viii. 36.]

6 [The baptism of infants seems now to be general, and also the communion of infants. See sec. 25, infra.]

7 Some read, "evil."

8 Isa. lii. 11.

9 Apoc. xviii. 4.

10 According to some, for "things" read "desires."

11 Matt. xix. 21.

12 Otherwise, "could be bound."

13 Some substitute, "have made shipwreck of."

14 1 Tim. vi. 9.

15 Or, "a hundred-fold."

16 Mark x. 29.

17 Luke vi. 22.

18 "Were at hand."

19 Or, "the scourges were lacerating my already wearied body."

20 Isa. iii. 12.

21 Apoc. iii. 19.

22 Lev. vii. 20.

23 1 Cor. x. 21.

24 1 Cor. xi. 27.

25 By some, the rest of the sentence after this word (" priest") is placed at the beginning of the paragraph, after the word "contemned."

26 Venditant.

27 Apoc. ii. 5.

28 Jer. xvii. 5. [Here is an emphatic repudiation of what produced medieval indulgences, saint-worship, and Mariolatry. Of the latter, so pre-eminently the system of modern Rome, not a syllable in all these Fathers. "Quam ritus eccles. nescit." Bernard, Ep. clxxiv., Opp.., l. 389.]

29 [All the whole base on which "indulgences" and the like rest, is here shown to be worthless]

30 "To any."

31 "On his facility;" v.l.

32 Apoc. vi. 10.

33 "Worthy of."

34 [i.e., the confessors awaiting martyrdom. See vol. iv. p. 693, note 2.]

35 Ex. xxxii. 31.

36 Jer. i. 5.

37 Jer. vii. 16.

38 Ezek. xiv. 13.

39 Luke xii. 8.

40 Isa. xiii. 24.

41 Isa. lix. 1.

42 "And are angry."

43 Some omit "and priests."

44 [There can be no doubt where Cyprian would have been found in the times of Savonarola. See Perrens, Vie, etc., tom. ii. p. 350.]

45 [See p. 340, note 2, supra.]

46 Otherwise, "for the mercifulness of prayers."

47 Some read, "and fell down."

48 [What Cyprian testifies as of his own knowledge, we must accept as fact, however it be accounted for. For the rest, we may believe that the terrible excitements of the times led him to accept as real the exaggerated stories which became current. In our own days "the faith-cure" excites a like credulity.]

49 Some read, "of themselves;" others, "of their belongings."

50 [Infant communion.]

51 "And receiving the blood as if some deadly poison," etc.; v. l.

52 [They carried the sacred bread in this manner to invalids at home. The idea of "worshipping the host," therefore, could not have been possible.]

53 Or, "a certain one."

54 [The holy bread was delivered into the hands of the recipient. See Cyril of Jerusalem, Mystagog., xxiii. 21.]

55 [ Luke xi. 20. The whole of scriptural teachings concerning these, requires renewed study. Consult Tillotson, Works, ii. 508, ed. 1722.]

56 [The kindly but unwise interposition of the confessors in their behalf. See vol. iii. p. 693, note 2.]

57 Matt. vi. 24.

58 Ps. cxxxix. 16.

59 1 Sam. xvi. 7.

60 Apoc. ii. 23.

61 Jer. xxiii. 23.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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