62 Gal. vi. 7.

63 Mark vi. 83.

64 [See sec. 32, p. 446, infra. Note, not after this life.]

65 Joel ii. 12.

66 Lev. xix. 27.

67 Song of the Three Children.

68 Some add, "to Thee, glory."

69 Dan. ix. 4.

70 [Sec. 29, supra. "While still in this world."]

71 Isa. xxix. 10; Vulg. "transpunctionis."

72 2 Thess. ii. 10.

73 [ 2 Tim. ii. 17.]

74 [In view of Matt. xxv. 36.]

75 Instead of "and a poison," some read, "and sold."

76 Isa. xxx. 51.

77 Ezek. xxxiii. 11.

78 Joel ii. 13.

1 [Written A.D. 252. Compare Tertullian, vol. iii. p. 681.]

2 1st, persevering and continuous, after the example of Christ our Lord: idly, watchful, and poured forth from the heart, after the example of the priest who, in the preface which precedes the prayer, prepares the minds of the brethren by saying Sursum Corda, to which the people answer Habemus ad Dominum; 3dly, associated with good works and alms, like that of Tobias and Cornelius; 4thly, at every hour of the day, and especially at the three hours appointed by the Church for prayer, to wit, the third, the sixth, and the ninth hour; and, moreover, we must pray morning and evening.

3 John iv. 23.

4 "Satisfaction."

5 Mark vii 9. [On the Shemoneh Eshreh, Prideaux, I vi. 2]

6 John xvi. 23.

7 [Compare John xiv. 6. How can we come to the Father by the Son more effectually than by using the words which the Son has taught? Dr. Johnson thought extemporaneous prayers very good if the Lord's Prayer were not omitted.]

8 Jer. xxiii. 23, 24.

9 Prov. xv. 3.

10 Matt. ix. 4.

11 Apoc. ii. 23.

12 1 Sam. i. 13.

13 Ps. iv. 4, "transpungimini."

14 Or, "In the heart, O God, ought we to worship Thee." ( Baruch vi 6.)

15 Luke xviii. 10-14.

16 Matt. vi. 9.

17 [Unity is never out of our author's mind or heart.]

18 Song of the Three Children, v. 28.

19 Acts i. 14.

20 "Both the urgency and the agreement."

21 Ps. lxviii. 6.

22 Sacramenta.

23 John i. 11.

24 Deut. xxxiii. 9.

25 Matt. xxiii. 9.

26 Matt. viii. 22.

27 John viii. 44.

28 "A very evil seed, lawless children."

29 Isa. i. 3.

30 John viii. 34.

31 1 Sam. ii. 30.

32 1 Cor. vi. 20.

33 Lev. xx. 7.

34 1 Cor. vi. 9.

35 Matt. xxv. 34.

36 Or, "our resurrection."

37 Matt. viii. 11.

38 Matt. xxvi. 39.

39 John vi. 38.

40 1 John ii. 15-17.

41 Some add "earnestly."

42 Gal. v. 17-22.

43 [See Hooker (a beautiful passage) in Walton's Life, "on the angels in heaven; " also, E. I., book v. cap. xxxv. at close.]

44 Some editions omit this "not."

45 This passage is differently read as follows: "And according as we say Our Father, so also we call Christ our bread, because He is ours as we come in contact with His body."

46 [Probably in times of persecution. See Freeman, Principles of Divine Service.]

47 John vi. 58.

48 John vi. 53.

49 [Not tied to actual daily reception, however. See the figure, 1 Kings xix. 7, 88. But see valuable note on (epiousioj) the supersubstantial bread. Cyril of Jerusalem, p. 277, Oxford trans. of the Mystagogic Lectures.]

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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