57 [Thus the petition covers (I) our spiritual food, John vi. 27; and (2) our bodily sustenance, Matt. vi. 8.]
59 "Although none is innocent " is here added by some.
60 x John i. 8. [Connect with this, Matt. vi. 15, and compare Freeman on the Principles of Divine Service, vol. i. p. 417.]
62 Mark xi. 25. [Elucidation III,]
63 [Ps. lxviii. 6. Vulgate and Angl. Psalter]
64 [Cyprian was very mild in his position against the accusatio. of Stephen. Sec. 26, p. 386, supra; also Treatise ix., infra.]
82 [Such was the example of Cotton Mather. Magnalia, i. 35.]
86 [The antiquity of the Sursum Cordais here shown. Elucidation IV.]
89 [Should not this principle be more effectually taught?]
95 [By the apostles, as here mentioned. Acts iii. 1and passim.]
101 [On the Amensee Elucidation V. See vol. i. p. 186.]
2 Next, having reproached him with the unaccustomed kinds of tortures with which he tormented the Christians more severely than any other criminals, not for the purpose of making them confess, but of making them deny their faith, he shows the impotence of the gods,-as well because they themselves cannot defend themselves, and so Demetrianus, who pretended to avenge them, should rather be worshipped by them, than himself worship them;-as because, when expelled by Christians from possessed bodies, they themselves confess what they are. Nor indeed must the fall of kings, the destruction of property, and such like evils which accompanied the persecutions of Christians as a punishment from Heaven, be judged not to be punishments, because they were shared by the Christians themselves; inasmuch as all these things are a joy to them rather than a punishment. Accordingly, while there is time, he urges him to return to a better mind, or at least to dread the judgment and an ever burning hery Gehenna, In this tract Cyprian partly imitates Tertullian's Apologyand his treatise to Scapula, partly the Octaviusof Minucius Felix.
7 [Elucidation VI. See Commodian, vol. iv. 219.]
14 Jer. ii. 30. [Compare Aug., City of God, passim.]
16 Some read," But you do not serve God, by whom all things are ordained to your service; you do not wait upon Him," etc.
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