17 [" Aequali jure et pan lege." This would have furnished ground for Jefferson's famous sentence in the American Declaration of Independence. See also Franklin's sentiment, vol. i. p. 552, note 9. There is a very remarkable passage in Massillon which might have engendered the French Revolution had it been known to the people. See Petit Careme, On Palm Sunday, p 189, etc., ed. 1745.]
20 Some texts read, "fear or shame in sinning."
21 Or, "no pretence." Some add, "no fear."
28 Or, according to some, "of kings."
31 [Beautiful triumph of faith, "peace in believing! "]
32 Or, "whom you do not see not to suffer with yourself."
34 Otherwise read," to us the worshippers of God, and to His profane opponents."
40 [Ezek. ix. 4 ; Rev. vii. 3, 4.]
41 Or, according to some pleadings, "Be wise, therefore."
46 " From the deep and darkling night o( superstition" is another reading.
47 [Compare the Octaviusof Minucius Felix with this treatise, and also the other apologists, e.g., vol. ii, 93gg.]
1 [Written A.D. 247. Compare vol. ii. pp. 79, 136, 184, etc.]
2 Moreover, that it was manifest from their deceitful results, that nothing could be referred to auspices or auguries; nay, even those who acknowledged both one God and the demons, allowed that these illusions were the work of the demons, according to the testimony of the poets themselves, and Socrates, Plato, Trismegistus, and Hostanes. The second point, that God is one, he makes evident in a few words, as well from the greater dignity of a monarchy than of other forms of I government, as Crom the very expressions of the heathen and of the common people -" 0 God!" and the like. Finally, he treats of Christ more at large, crom the Jewish prophets and from the evangelical history.
3 Most editors read, "Castor and Pollux."
5 [" Litteras imprimere... signare nummos." How could the art of printing have failed to follow such inventions and such words? Every coin was a hint of the printer's art. God only could have restrained the invention till the set time. Dan. xii. 4.]
6 According to some readings, the words "an old man" are omitted.
7 The readings here vary much. The first part of the sentence is found in Minucius Felix, c. ax. [Vol. iv. p. 185.]
8 The following passage, accepted in some editions, is of doubtful authenticity; "To such an extent, indeed, were feigned the names of gods among the Romans, that there is even among them a god, Viduus, who widows the body from the soul-who, as being sap and funereal, is not kept within the walls, but placed outside; but who nevertheless, in that he is excluded, is rather condemned by the Roman religion than worshipped. There is also Scansus, so-called from ascents, and Forculus from doors, and Limentinus Crom thresholds, and Cardea from hinges, and Orbona from bereavement."
10 [2 Tim. iii. 13 See vol. iii. 68.]
11 [Vol. iii. p, III; also other apologists.]
12 [See vol. iii. p 179 elucidation.]
13 [Ps. lix. 11: and see p. 202, supra.]
14 "Of greater obedience and of stronger faith" is a varied reading here.
15 Some add, "and discipline."
16 " With the co-operation of the Holy Spirit," is perhaps a more probable reading. [See vol. iii. p. 609.]
17 [See Treatise xii. book ii. secs. 13 and 28, infra.]
18 " Set upon Him and " is here interpolated by some.
19 [John x. 18 See Pearson, Creed, art. v. p. 424]
1 Eusebius in his roniconmakes mention of the occasion on which Cyprian wrote this treatise, saying, "A pestilent disease took possession of many provinces of the whole world, and especially Alexandria and Egypt; as Dionysius writes, and the treatise of Cypnan `concerning the Mortality0' bears witness." A.D. 252.
2 He says: "By whom were Christians,-grieved with excessive fondness at the loss of their friends, or what is of more consequence, with their decrease of faith,-comforted with the hope of things to come?" [See p. kg, supra.]
3 Then to the tacit objection that by this mortality they would be deprived of martyrdom, he replies that martyrdom is not in our power, and that even the spirit that is ready for martyrdom is crowned by God the judge. Finally, he tells them that the dead must not be bewailed in such a matter as that we should become a stumblingblock to the Gentiles, as if we were without the hope of a resurrec-tion. Rut if also the day of our summons should come, we must depart hence with a glad mind to the Lord, especially since we are departing to our country, where the large number of those dear to us are waiting for us: a dense and abundant multitude are longing for us, who, being already secure of their own immortality, are still solicitous about our salvation.
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