58 It has arborum, however, instead of the singular.

59 Theopneuston, by Samuel Hanson Cox, D.D,, New York, 1842.

60 Note, an extraordinary instance, Childe Harold, Canto iv. st. 180.

61 Lexicographers give keimai = jaceo.

62 Polity, etc., p. 416 (translation). This valuable work, translated and edited by the Rev. J. C. Bellett, M.A. (London, 1883), is useful as to medieval usages, and as supplementing Bingham. But the learned editor has not been sufficiently prudent in noting his author's perpetual misconceptions of antiquity.

63 1 Cor. xiv. 36.

64 Theodoret, book v. cap. ix. A.D. 382. The bisbops say "last year" ( a.d. 381), speaking of the council in session.

1 The ingenious conjecture of Wordsworth, who surmises that kai eqnwn episkopon, in Photius, should be read kai ewqinwn. Hippolytus, p. 30. Another conjecture is =Aqhnwn. For the originals of these Fragments and learned notes, see Routh, Reliquae Sacrae, ii. p. 127.

2 Eusebius quotes him in several places (book ii. cap. xxv., book iii. capp. xxviii. and xxxi.), and cites him in proof that St. Peter suffered on the Vatican, and St. Paul on the Via Ostiensis. See Lardner, redib., vol. ii. pp. 394, 410.

3 Hist. Eccl., ii. 25, vi. 20.

4 Hist. Eccl., vi. 20.

5 Cod. 48.

36 p. 303, note 5 Rev. iii, 21.

1 A defender of the sect of the Cataphrygians.

2 So Jerome, in the Epistle to Marcellus, says: "There, too, is a holy church: there are the trophies of the apostles and martyrs."

3 Thc mss.. and the Chronicon of Georgius Syncellus read Vasicum, Basikanon. The reference is to the Vatican as the traditional burial place of Peter, and to the Ostian Road as that of Paul.

4 [Vol. i. pp, 351-352, 416.]

5 This extract is taken from the Disputation of Caius, but the words are those of Proclus, as is shown by the citation in Eusebius.

6 Two fragments of an anonymous work ascribed by some to Caius. Artemon and his followers maintained that Christ was mere ( yilon) man.

7 [Elucidation, I.]

8 [See cap. xxiii. p. 114, supra, and Euseb., iii. cap. 28.]

9 This may, perhaps, be the Caecilius Natalis who appears in the Octaviris of Minucius Felix, as maintaining the cause of paganism against Octavius Januarius, and becoming a convert to the truth through the discussion. Name, time, and profession at least suit. [A painful conjecture, and quite gratuitous. See the Octavius, cap. xvi. note 6, p. 181, vol. iv., this series.]

10 [ -ou tote episkopou,"the then bishop." Text of Routh.]

11 There is another reading- named ( klhqhnai) instead of chosenor elected (klhrwqhnai).

12 [Thus early, primitive canons are recognised as in force.]

13 [Here we have an early foreshadowing of the schoolmen, whose rise was predicted by St. Bernard in his protest against Abelard. See Hernard, Opp., tom. i. p. 410, et alibi.]

14 The connected form here is the hypothetical, as e.g., "If it is day, it is light." The disjouned is the disjunctive, as e.g., " It is, either day or night." The words admit another rendering, viz.,"Whether it, when connected or disjoined, will make the form of a syllogism."

15 There is a play in the original on the word geometry.

16 Galen composed treaties on the figures of syllogismis, and on philosophy in general. This is also a notable testimony, as proceeding from a very ancient author, almost contemporary with Galen himself. And from a great number of other writers, as well as this one. it is evident that Galen was ranked as the equal of Aristotle, Theophrastus, and even Plato. [Galen died circa a.d. 200.]

17 In Nicephorus it is Asclepiodotus, which is also the reading of Rufinus.

18 It appears from Theodoret ( Haeret. Fab., book ii. ch. v.), as well as from Nicephorus and Rufinus, that we should read Appolonides for Apollonius.

19 There is another reading- by him.

20 This paragraph, down to the word "transcribed," is wanting in the Codex Regius.

21 [Note the care and jealousy with which the integrity of the codices was guarded. Comp. Uncan. and Apoc. Scriptures, by Churton, London, 1884.]

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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