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III.-From the Acts of the Disputation Conducted by Malchion Against Paul of Samosata.1

III.-From the Acts of the Disputation Conducted by Malchion Against Paul of Samosata.1


The compound is surely made tip of the simple elements,2 even as in the instance of Jesus Christ, who was made one (person), constituted by God the Word, and a human body which is of the seed of David, and who subsists without having any manner of division between the two, but in unity. You, however, appear to me to decline to admit a constitution3 after this fashion: to the effect that there is not in this person, the Son of God according to substance, but only the Wisdom according to participation. For you made this assertion, that the Wisdom bears dispensing, and therefore cannot be compounded;4 and you do not consider that the divine Wisdom remained undiminished, even as it was before it evacuated itself;5 and thus in this self-evacuation, which it took upon itself in compassion (for us), it continued undiminished and unchangeable. And this assertion you also make, that the Wisdom dwelt in Him, just as we also dwell in houses, the one in the other,6 and yet not as if we formed a part of the house, or the house a part of us.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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