1 The title as it stands has this addition: "which he had by revelation from the blessed John the evangelist, by the mediation of the Virgin Mary, Parent of God." Gallandi, Veterum Patrum Biblioth., Venice, 1766, p. 385. [Elucidation, p. 8, infra.]

2 xarakth=roj a0idi/ou.

3 mo/noj e0k mo/no/j .

4 lo/goj e0nergo/j.

5 periektikh/.

6 poihtikh/.

7 a0i>\/dioj a0i>\di/ou.

8 u#parcin.

9 pefhno/j.

10 The words dhladh\ toi=j a0nqrw/poij are suspected by some to be a gloss that has found its way into the text.

11 ei0kw/n.

12 So John of Damascus uses the phrase, ei0kw\n tou= Patro\j o9 Ui9o\j, kai\tou= Ui9ou=, to\ Pneu=ma, the Son is the Image of the Father, and the Spirit is that of the Son, lib. 1, De fide orthod., ch. 13, vol. i. p. 151. See also Athanasius, Epist. 1 ad Serap.; Basil, lib. v. contra Eunom.; Cyril, Dial., 7, etc.

13 xorhgo/j.

14 a0pallotrioume/nh. See also Gregory Nazianz., Orat., 37, p. 609.

15 dou=lon.

16 Gregory Nazianz., Orat., 40, p. 668, with reference apparently to our author, says: Ou0de\n th=j Tria/doj dou=lon, ou0de\ ktiston, ou0de\ e0peisakton, h#kousa tw=n sofw=n tinoj legontoj-In the Trinity there is nothing either in servitude or created, or superinduced, as I heard one of the learned say.

17 r0pei/sakton.

18 In one codex we find the following addition here: ou#te au#cetai mona\j ei0j dua/da, ou0de\ dua\j ei0j tria/da-Neither again does the unity grow into duality, nor the duality into trinity; or = Neither does the condition of the one grow into the condition of the two, nor that of the two into the condition of the three.

19 [See valuable note and Greek text in Dr. Schaff's History, vol. ii. p. 799.]

20 Credibility, vol. ii. p. 635.

21 Vol. v. p. 423.

22 Cave, Lives of the Fathers, vol. i. p. 402, ed. Oxford, 1840.

1 Gallandi, Biblioth. Vet. Patr., iii. 387.

2 [The wise benevolence of our author is more apparent than his critical skill. No book more likely to puzzle a pagan inquirer than this: so the metaphrase gives it meaning and consistency; but, over and over again, not Solomon's meaning, I am persuaded.]

3 ta\ pneu/mata, for which some propose r9eu/mata, streams, as the a#nemoi are mentioned in their own place immediately.

4 nu=n e0kklhsia/zwn.

5 poikilwta/th/.

6 a0topi/a

7 The text is, tuflo/j te w#n yn\n pro/soyin kai\ u9po tou= sko/touj tw=n pragma/twn a0fhrhme/noj, for which it is proposed to read, tuflo/j te w#/n kai\ th\n pri/soyin upo\ tou= sko/touj, etc.

8 Or, as the Latin version puts it: And, in fine, when I considered the difference between these modes of life, I found nothing but that, by setting myself, etc.

9 a0ndrei/aj.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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