18 This sentence is supposed to be an interpolation by the constructor of the Catena.
19 The text is, t\j doule/iaj. Migne suggests, th=j deili/aj = "the feeling of our fear."
21 The text is, ou0de\ h9 sfo/dra deilo/tatoj, etc. We read, with Migne, ei0 instead of h9.
22 [Note the following sentence, without which, as explanatory, this might be quoted as a Monothelite statement. Garbling is a convenient resource for those who claim the Fathers for other false systems.]
24 [This seems to be a quotation from the Alexandrian Fathers showing how early such questions began to be agitated. Settled in the Sixth Council, A.D. 681, the last "General Council."]
27 ma/lista i@swj panti a0nqrw/pw|.
32 Some such clause as iaqh=nai du/natai requires to be supplied here.
34 Reading w9|tiniou=n for o9tiou=n.
1 Another fragment from the Vatican Codex, 1611, fol. 291. See also Mai, Bibliotheca Nova, vi. 1. 165. This is given here in a longer and fuller form than in the Greek of Gallandi in his Bibliotheca, xiv., Appendix, p. 115, as we have had it presented above, and than in the Latin of Corderius in his Catena on Luke xxii. 42, etc. This text is taken from a complete codex.
6 ei de/ ou0k e@pion au0to9 h\dh kai\ a/nh/lwsa' a0lla de/oj mh/ u9p' au0tou= plh/rhj epikeime/nou katapoqei/hn.
8 [In these allegorical interpretations we see the pupil of Origen.]
1 Another fragment, connected with the preceding on Christ's prayer in Gethsemane. Edited in a mutilated form, as given by Gallandi, in his Bibliotheca, xiv. p. 117, and here presented in its completeness, as found its the Vatican Codex 1611, f. 292, b.
1 A fragment. Edited from the Vatican Codex 1996, f. 78, belonging to a date somewhere about the tenth century.
2 Reading pollou= ge dei=. The text gives po/lu ge dei=.
3 a0tmi/j. If this strange reading a0tmi/j is correct, there is apparently a play intended on the two words pneu=ma and a0tmi0j, = if God is a pneu=ma, which word literally signifies Wind or Air, Christ, on that analogy, may be called a0tmi0j that is to say, the Vapour or Breath of that Wind.
1 That the Son is not different from the Father in nature, but connatural and consubstantial with Him. From the Panoplia of Euthymius Zigabenus in the Cod. xix. Nanianae Biblioth.
2 [See his explanations in the epistle to Dionysius p. 92, supra]
1 A fragment, probably by the Alexandrian Dionysius. This seems to be an excerpt from his works On Penitence, three of which are mentioned by Jerome in his De Script. Eccl., ch. 69. See Mai, Classici Auctores, x. 484. It is edited here from the Vatican Codex.
2 toi=j palamnaioij dai/mosi. Or, with the demons of vengeance.
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