20 In Georgius Syncellus, Chron., p. 106, al 85.
21 In the same, p. 148, al. 118, from the Third Book of the Chron. of Africanus.
23 Others write Ogyges. Josephus (in Apionem), Euseb. (de Praepar.). Tatian [vol. ii. p. 81], Clemens [not so, vol. ii. p. 324], and others write Ogygus.
24 The text is, o@j toy= prwtou= prwtou= kataklusmou= gegonen epw/numoj. The word e0pw/numoj is susceptible of two meanings, either "taking the name from" or "giving the name to." 'Wgugia kaka/ was a proverbial expression for primeval ills.
25 The text is here, kata\ th\n e9c Ai@gupton tou= laou= meta\ Mwu>\se/wj i@codon gene/sqai, for which we may read kata\ th\n e9c Ai0guptou, etc.
26 9Wgugon 9Aktai=on h= ta\ pgasso/mena tw=n o0noma/twn. Compare xiii. 6, where we have to\n ga\r meta\ 9Wgugon 9Aktai=on, etc.
27 From Georgius Syncellus, Chron., Third Book. In Euseb., Praepar., x. 40. [Compare vol. ii. pp. 324-334.]
29 There is a difficulty in the text; Viger omits "Athenian."
30 The Latin translator expunges the "and" (kai/), and makes it = more careful than all the Attic writers.
31 The original here, as in the same passage above, is corrupt. It gives kata\ thn Ai@gupton, which Migne would either omit entirely or replace by a0p' Ai@guptou.
32 These words are inserted according to Viger's proposal, as there is a manifest omission in the text.
33 From Georgius Syncellus, Third Book. In the Chron. Paschal., p. 104, ed. Paris, 84 Venet.
34 From the same, Book III., and from Book IV. In Syncellus p. 197, al. 158.
35 The text is, a0nagrafh=nai de\ prw/thn th\n tessareskaideka/thn. etc.
36 From Book v. In Eusebius, Demonst. Evang., Book VIII ch. ii. p. 389, etc. The Latin version of this section is by Bernardinus Donatus of Verona. There is also a version by Jerome given in his commentary on Dan ix. 24.
37 Jerome in his version gives the 15th (quintum decimum).
38 In Syncellus, p. 307, al. 244.
39 The sense is doubtful here: kai\ w9j ou0den h0ci/ou pisteu/esqai e@st' a@n kataxqh|\ ei0j tn\n e9autou= a0rxh/n, etc.
40 There is a break here in the original.
41 This is according to the rendering of the Latin version.
42 Here again there is a blank in the original.
43 The text is corrupt here. It gives, e0n tw|= mesaioli/w|, a word unknown in Greek. Scaliger reads Maisaio/lion. Goarus proposes Mauswlaion, which we adopt in the translation.
45 Samaria was so named in reference to its restoration by Gabinius, the proconsul of Syria. See Josephus (Antiq., book xiv. ch. x. ), who states that Gabinius traversed Judea, and gave orders for the rebuilding of such towns as he found destroyed; and that at this way Samaria, Azotus, Scythopolis, Antedon, Raphia, Dora, Marissa, and not a few others, were restored.
46 The text is: h@n 'Olumpia\j rpq 9, h@tij pro/j 9 kalansw=n Marti/wn kata\ 'Antioxei/j kd 9 e@tei h@cqh, di' h9j e0pi\ tw=n i/di/wn o9ri/wn w@sth o9 e\niauto/j. In every fourth year the 24th day of February ( = vi. Cal. Mart.) was reckoned twice. There were three different eras of Antioch, of which the one most commonly used began in November 49 B.C. Migne refers the reader to the notes of Goarus on the passage, which we have not seen. The sense of this obscure passage seems to be, that that period formed another fixed point in chronology.
47 In Georgius Syncellus, Chron., p. 322 or 256.
48 e@n kata\ th\n o@yin. [Vol. iii. p. 58, Elucid. V., this series.]
50 Or, on a table; w9j e0n grafh|=.
51 The text in the beginning of this section is hopelessly corrupt. Scaliger declares that neither could he follow these things, nor did the man that dreamt them understand them. We may subjoin the Greek text as it stands in Migne: Metacu/ de\ tou= le/gein to\n e0niauto\n h/merw=n tce, kai\ tetramori/ou, kai tw=n a0po\ iq' th=j nuxqhme/rou, merw=n e0...ei0j ta\ uoe/, hme/rai to\ para/llhlon ei0si\ j/, kai\ tetramorion. 9Eti ge mh\n to\n th=j selh/nhj mh=na kata\ th\n a0kribh= leptologi/an eu/ri/skomen kq', kai\ h\me/raj kai\ nukto/j diaireqei/shj ei/j me/rh se/, tou/twn ta\ o', kai\ h@misu ...a@ gi/netai e0nnenhkostotetarta tri/a.
56 In Basil, De Spiritu Sancto, ch. xxix. § 73; Works, vol. iii. p. 61, edit. Paris. [Elucidation II.]
57 For r0hmatwn, words, three Mss. give r/htw=n, sayings.
58 For h9mi=n Patri/ there is another reading, h9mwn patra/si = to Him who gave to our fathers.
59 These words, "and our Lord," are wanting in three mss..
1 Gallandi, Bibl. Patrum, vol. i. Proleg. p. lxxi. and p. 329.
2 See Eusebius, Life of Constatine, ii. 50.
3 The Martyrologies celebrate their memory on the 10th June: one of the Colbert Mss. gives Zoticus for Getulius.
4 A Colbert ms. gives "laudantes" = praising.
5 This response, along with the next interrogation, is wanting in the Colbert manuscript.
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