3 See Neander's Church History, vol. i. p. 197 (Bohn). [Christians began to be preferred for their probity. Diocletian's reign at first gave the Church a long peace (see vol. iv. p. 126) of well-nigh ten years.]
1 This very brief quotation is preserved in Jerome's Second Epistle to Pammachius.
4 Vol. iv. p. 243, edit. Benedictin. [No doubt he does, as did his Master, Christ, before him, and under the same limitations. Matt. xix. 12.]
1 From the Bibliotheca of Photius, cod. 119, p. 300, ed. Hoeschel.
5 [e.g., his Platonic ideas, as explained in note 3, p. 156, supra]
6 upo/stasij. [See my remarks, vol. iv. p. v., introductory.]
7 [Photos must often be received with a grain of salt.]
8 ei0j ton lo/gon. [On images, etc., Photius is no authority.]
9 The text here is evidently corrupt. It runs thus: oi0konomiaj de\ lo/gw| sugxwrhqh=nai mataiologei= w\j ou0den h\san w\j e@tera ta\ gegenhme/na. w9j ou0de\ tupon a@llon e@fere morfh=j, a/lla\ mo/non pterugwn kenologei= ferein auta\ sxh=ma. Hoeschelius proposes w/j ou0den h\san, w9j e@teron h@san, w9j e@tera, &c., and he rejects the w/j in w9j ou0de\n tu/pon on the authority of four codices.-Tr.
2 Hist. Eccles., viii. 9 and 10.
3 His diocese belonged to the region over which Alexandria had the primacy by the "ancient usages."]
1 In Dacherii Spicilegium, iii. pp. 297-299.
2 In salutis nostrae unicum remedium.
5 [A beautiful concern of our author for the honour of the Master seems to have dictated this noble letter. Matt. v. 16.]
12 [A most important hint to the clergy in their accounts with the Church.]
14 Murrhine vessels were first introduced into Rome by Pompey. They were valued chiefly for their variegated colours, and were extremely costly. Some think they were made of onyx stone, others of variegated glass: but most modern writers suppose that what is meant was some sort of porcelain.
15 [A lofty spirit of liberal love for literature is here exemplified.]
16 It is from these words that the inference is drawn that this epistle was written by a Greek.
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