17 [The teachings of Clement had formed the minor morals of Christians, See vol. ii. book ii. pp. 237, 284.]

18 [Thus is reflected the teaching of St. Paul, 1 Tim. v. 2. All women to be honoured, and "all purity" to characterize society with them.]

19 Col. iv. 6.

20 2 Cor. xi. 19.

21 Mark xi. 25.

22 Rom. xvi. 20.

23 [Blessed spirit of primitive piety! Is not this rule too much relaxed in our own Laodicean age?]

24 Phil. iv. 7. [How much there is in this letter which ought to prick the consciences of wealthy and "fashionable" Christians of our day!]

1 [Another glorious product of the school of Alexandria.]

2 Apol. contr. Ruf., book i. num. 9, Works, ii. p. 465.

3 Proprii operis nihil omnino scripsit, exceptis epistolis quas ad amicos forte mittebat; in tantum se humilitate dejecerat.

1 In Eusebius, Hist. Eccles., viii. 10.

2 Phil. ii. 6-8.

3 xristofo/roi. So Ignatius of Antioch was called qeofo/roj, God-bearer. [Vol. i. pp. 45, 49, this series.]

4 1 John iv. 18.

5 culoij. What is meant, however, may be the instrument called by the Romans equuleus, a kind of rack in the shape of a horse, commonly used in taking the evidence of slaves.

6 magga/noij tisi/.

7 The text gives a@munthri/oij e0ko/lazon, for which Nicephorus reads a0munthrioij ta\j kola/seij. The a0munthria were probably the Latin ungulae, an instrument of torture like claws. So Rufinus understands the phrase.

8 h0gemw/n. That is probably the Roman Praefectus Augustalis.

9 th=j e0para/tou e0leuqeri/aj.

10 [It is impossible to accept modern theories of the inconsiderable number of the primitive martyrs, in view of the abounding evidences of a chronic and continuous persecution always evidenced by even these fragments of authentic history. See vol. iv. p. 125.]

11 Exod. xxii. 20.

12 Exod. xx. 3.

13 Eusebius, after quoting these passages, adds:-"These are the words of a true philosopher, and one who was no less a lover of God than of wisdom, which, before the final sentence of his judge, and while he lay yet in prison, he addressed to the brethren in his church, at once to represent to them in what condition he was himself, and to exhort them to maintain steadfastly, even after his speedy death, their piety towards Christ."-Tr.

1 This epistle was first edited by Scipio Maffeius from an ancient Verona manuscript in the Osserv. Letter, vol. iii. pp. 11-17, where is given the Fragment of a History of the Meletian Schism. See Neander's important remarks on this whole document, Church History, iii. p. 310 (Bohn).-Tr.

2 Zelo meliorum.

3 [Parishes = dioceses (so called now); but they were very small territorially, and every city had its "bishop." See Bingham, book ix. cap. 2, and Euseb., book v. cap. 23. Comp. note 1, p. 106, supra]

4 Bene nimis magna.

5 [The bishops of Alexandria are called popes to this day, and were so from the beginning. See vol. v. p. 154.]

6 [Peter succeeded Theonas as sixteenth bishop and primate of Alexandria. See vol. iv. p. 384; also Neale, Pat of Alex., i. p. 90.]

7 Oportuerat ex populo properare ac nos exigere pro merito.

8 Sub arguente.

9 The manuscript reads chrismata, for which schismata is proposed.

10 Provisoris-perhaps rather, The Provider-the saint who with careful forethought has mapped out our proper course in such matters.

11 1 Tim. v. 22.

12 Erga illum providentiam.

13 The manuscript gives ordinando adnuntias, for which is proposed ordinandi. Adnuntiamus.

14 Reading studeas for studetur.

15 Cupiditatem.

16 Ut cogniscatur concupiscentia Meletii.

17 The text is-Commendans ei occasionem Meletius, separavit eos, &c.; on which see especially Neander, iii. p. 311 (Bohn).

18 This epistle is given elsewhere. [This volume, infra]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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