703 From Cyril of Jerusalem, Catecheses, vi. § 27-29. [And see the Introductory Notice, p, 175.]
704 Reading o@plon dikaiosu/nhj Others read o@plw| = Archelaus met him with the buckler of righteousness.
714 Matt. x. 34. Various of the Mss. add, e0pi\ th\n gh=n, upon the earth.
715 The text gives kaloi/. Routh seems to prefer kakoi/, evil.
718 Matt. xiii. 13. The text is, i@na ble/pontej mh\ ble/pwsi.
720 For ei/ de\ dei kai w9j, etc., various codices read ei0 de\ dikai/wj, etc.
725 Translated from Gallandi, Vet. Patr. Biblioth. The reverend translator is styled in the Edinburgh edition, "Curate of Ilminster, Somerset."
726 Cf. Combef., Auctar. Noviss., part ii. p. 2; Cav., Dissert. de. Script. Eccl., incert. aetat. p. 2; Fabricius, Bibl. Gr., tom. v. p. 287; Montfaucon, Bibl. Coisl., p 349, seqq.
727 Photius, Epist. de Manich., Bibliotheca Coisliniana, p. 354.
728 Epiph., Haer., lxviii. n. 1, lxix. n. 2; Le Quien, Oriens Christianis, tom. ii. p. 597.
729 Meletius of Lycopolis, a schismatical bishop of the third and fourth centuries. Athanasius tells us that Meletius, who was Bishop of Lycopolis in Upper Egypt at the time of the persecution under Diocletian and his successors, yielded to fear and sacrificed to idols: and being subsequently deposed, on this and other charges, in a Synod over which Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, presided, determined to separate from the Church, and to constitute with his followers a separate community. Epiphanius, on the other hand, relates that both Peter and Meletius, being in confinement for the faith, differed concerning the treatment to be used toward those who, after renouncing their Christian profession, became penitent, and wished to be restored to the communion of the Church. The Meletians afterwards co-operated with the Arians in their hostility to Athanasius.-See Art. Meletius, in Smith's Biograph. Dict.-Tr.
1 A treatise on their tenets by Alexander of Lycopolis, who first turned from paganism to the Manichaean opinions.
2 [Note the practical character of Christian ethics, which he so justly contrasts with the ethical philosophy of the heathen. This has been finely pointed out by the truly illustrious William Wilberforce in his Practical View, cap. ii. (Latin note), p. 25, ed. London, 1815.]
3 e0n to=ij e0ristikoi=j. The philosophers of the Megarean school, who were devoted to dialectics, were nicknamed oi9 'Eistikoi/. See Diog. Laertius.
4 Manes, or Manichaeus, lived about A.D. 240. He was a Persian by birth, and this accounts for the Parseeism which can be detected in his teaching. He was probably ordained a priest, but was afterwards expelled from the Christian community, and put to death by the Persian government. His tenets spread considerably, and were in early youth embraced by St. Augustine. [See Confess., iii. 6.]
6 In substance, but not in words, Aristotle, Met., Book A 4 (1070´ b).
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