11 This passage and the following sentences are corrupt. Possibly something is wanting.-Tr.
14 Mosheim, E. H., vol. i. p 383, note 5, Murdock's edition, New York, 1844. His references to Lardner in this case do not accord with my copy.
15 Histoire des Manichéens (Lardner's reference), pp. 236-237.
16 Credib., vol. vii. p. 574, ed. London, 1829.
17 Lardner's reference is: Bib. G., lib. v. c. 1, tom. 5, p. 290.
18 Long extract from Cave ubi supra. He quotes the Latin of Cave's Diss. on Writers of Uncertain Date.
19 Lardner's reference is to Photius, Contra Manich., i. cap. 11.
20 Lardner quotes from the Hist. des Manich., art. 16., Memoires, etc., tom. iv.
21 Reference defective. See Lardner, Credib., vol. iii. 269. Here will be found (p. 252) a learned examination of Archelaus, and what amounts to a treatise on these Manichaeans.
22 For Beausobre's summary of Alexander's deficiencies, see condensed statement in Lardner, vol. iii. p. 575.
23 Cap. i. p. 241, supra. A beautiful exordium. A recent writer, speaking of Potamiaena and Herais, virgin martyrs, and catechumens of Origen, remarks, that "the number of young women of high character who appreciated the teachings of this great master, many of whom were employed as copyists of his works, is creditable to the state of Christian society at that period " (Mahan, Church Hist., p. 237). It was to avoid scandal as well as temptation in his relations with these that he fell into his heroic mistake.
24 Cap. xxiv. p. 251, supra. Who can imagine that the author of this chapter is not a Christian? Observe what he says of "the Word."
32 Note the reference to the Old and New Testaments entire, p. 243, supra
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