11 The same word in the text which is translated wind: pneu=ma. The play upon the word cannot be preserved in the translation.-Tr.

12 Rev. xii. 1-6.

13 St. John v. 39.

14 [i.e., the Church. See p 337, note 4, infra]

15 Isa. lx. 1-4.

16 selh/nh.

17 se/laj.

18 neofw/tistoi.

19 It is hardly necessary to observe, that amid many interpretations of the passage, this which Methodius condemns is probably the true one, as it is certainly the most natural.-Tr. [It is certainly worth observing, that Methodius has on his side a strong following among the ancients; the interpretation the translator favours having little support save among modern defenders of the late pontiff's bull Ineffabilis. Elucidation II.]

20 Isa. lxvi. 7, 8.

21 In the LXX. "a male."

22 The baptized.

23 Gal. iv. 19.

24 Ps. cv. 15.

25 xristw=n.

26 Anointed.

27 Eph. iii. 14-17.

28 Ps. ii. 7.

29 Certain phrases like this have led to the opinion that Methodius was inclined to Arianism. There is no ground for the supposition. In the writer's mind, as is clear from the previous statements, the previous generation was eternal.-Tr.

30 In the baptismal font.

31 Patripassianism: nearly the same as Sabellianism.-Tr.

32 Dokh/sei, hence Docetae.-Tr.

33 Virtue.

34 Cant. iv. 16.

35 Methodius is not the first or the last who has sought to explore the mystery of numbers. An interesting and profound examination of the subject will be found in Bähr's Symbolik; also in Delitzsch's Bib. Psychology.-Tr. [On the Six Days' Work, p. 71, translation, Edinburgh, 1875.]

36 i.e. in a regular arithmetical progression.

37 i.e. its divisors or dividends.

38 "Make Himself of no reputation."-E. T., Phil. ii. 7.

39 Ezek. xvii. 3.

40 Eph. vi. 17.

41 Hom., Il., vi. 181.

42 Deut. vi. 5.

43 Hom., Od., i. 7.

44 Rom. i. 21.

45 ["As they think." Had Methodius any leaning to Pythagoras and his school? To "science" the world owes its rejection of the true theory of the universe for two thousand years, till Copernicus, a Christian priest, broke that spell. Could the Christian Fathers know more than science taught them? Methodius hints it.]

46 Castor and Pollux.

47 We cannot preserve the play upon words of the original. There it is-maqhmatikh\n and kataqematikh/n.-Tr.

48 Gen. i. 14, etc.

49 ge/nesij = birth i.e., our life is not controlled by the star of our nativity.-Tr. [See Hippolytus, vol. v. p. 27, this series.]

50 Hom., Od., i. 7.

51 ge/nesij = birth, h. the star of man's nativity, h. destiny.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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