96 [Apostrophes like the above; panegyrical, not odes of worship.]
99 [This must have been interpolated after the Council of Ephesus, A.D. 431. The whole Oration is probably after that date.]
103 Isa. vi. 9; Acts xxviii. 26.
104 Ps. xlvi. 8; Isa. vii. 11.
111 Ps. xlviii. 2; Matt. v. 35; Isa. i. 26.
112 Isa. lx. 1; Ps. lxxxvii. 3; Ps. cxxxii. 16.
116 [Here is an apostrophe to the Church, a hymn to "the Elect Lady." See, illustrating note 17, p. 390, supra]
117 trikumi/aj, stormy waves. Latin, decumani fluctus. Methodius perhaps alludes to Diocletian's persecution, in which he perished as a martyr.-Tr.
121 [He again apostrophizes the Blessed Theotocos, but in language hardly appropriate to the period preceding Cyril of Alexandria.]
122 [Not so, for he ends with a noble strain of worship to the Son of God. This expression suggests interpolation.]
1 [Dupin hardly credits this oration to Methodius. See elucidation, p. 398.
4 [Evidently a homily for Palm Sunday, the first day of the Paschal week.]
5 Ps. lxxxv. 9, xcv. 1, xlvii. 1.
8 Ps. cxviii. 26; Matt. xxi. 9; Mark xi. 9; Luke xix. 38; John xii. 13.
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