5 e0n th=j pi/stewj oi/keiw/sei.

6 prokopa/j.

7 do/can th\n e0piginome/nhn.

8 morfwsij tw=n o#lwn.

9 th\n ktisin.

10 ou@te Qeo\j e@teroj w9j Path/r.

11 a0rgo/n.

12 This seems the idea in the sentence, ou0 ga\r e0ciswsqh/setai tw|= kti/smati au0to\ kat/ ou0dena tro/pon, in' w9j u9p' e0kei/nou e@ktistai, pu@tw kai\ au0to\ kti/sh ta\ poi/hma.

13 h9giasme/non poi/hma.

14 Trias. [See vol. ii. p. 101.]

15 Trias. [See vol. ii. p. 101.]

16 Monas.

17 sunariqmei=n.

18 ta\ pro/sfata.

19 perikleismo\j e0n neu/mati.

20 du/namin.

21 politeusa/menoj.

22 sugkekrame/nij.

23 to\ pa/qoj.

24 Meaning here the whole work and business of the incarnation, and the redemption through the flesh.-Migne.

25 Trias.

26 a\nupo/staton.

27 dhmiourgi/aj.

28 fusikw=j e0n Tria/di marturoume/nh.

29 1 Cor. viii. 6.

30 patrw|=on.

31 John i. 1.

32 1 Cor. iii. 6.

33 to\ ei\nai au0to\ kai u0festa/nai dhloi=.

34 By the i/dio/thta tou= Patro/j is meant here the divinity belonging to the Father.-Migne.

35 ou0k e0stin w9j e\n ta\ duo e0n tw|= e9ni/

36 1 Cor. viii. 6.

37 kaq' o@ qeo/thj mia=j kurio/yhtoj.

38 tw|= i0diw/mati tou= Patro/j.

39 me/roj ga\r a@pan a0tele\j to\ sunqesewj u9fista/menon.

40 a0rxh=j.

41 arxh/.

42 John iv. 24.

43 Ps. xxxiii. 6.

44 Kosmopoii@aj.

45 Gen. i. 2.

46 Rom. viii. 9.

47 Rom. viii. 11.

48 Rom. viii. 14, 15.

49 Rom. ix. 1.

50 Rom. xv. 13.

51 [A reference to his canon, perhaps, recorded in 2 Cor. x. 13-16. Compare Rom. xv. 20. The canonists erect the discrimination between Orders and Mission, upon these texts and (Acts xiii. 2, 3, etc.) Gal ii. 8, 9. See vol. i. p. 495, note 3.]

52 Rom. xv. 15-19. [Concerning which remarkable passage, see vol. v. p. 409, Elucidation I.]

53 Rom. xv. 30.

54 [It is evident that St. Paul founded the Church at Rome. St. Peter (see note 13, supra) could only have come to Rome to look after the Jewish disciples there. Elucidation, p. 47, infra]

55 1 Cor. ii. 4, 5.

56 1 Cor. ii. 9-11.

57 1 Cor. ii. 14.

58 Matt. xxviii. 19.

59 The text is, ou@tw ga\r (to\ a0postellon) kai\ to\ a0postello/meno/, oi0ke@i/wj an pisteuoito, kaq' o9, etc.

60 fusikw=j kat' au0th\n th\n ou0sian.

61 ou/si/a.

62 a0rxh/.

63 prwto/tupoj.

64 John iv. 24.

65 Note the phrase here, afterwards formulated, o9moou/sion tw|= Patri/. [This phrase, with abundant other tokens, makes it apparent that the work is not Gregory's. It is further evident from section xviii. I should be glad to think otherwise.]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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