110 Lit., "for the sake of our name, men's affairs are made harassing."

111 Lit., "with flames of," etc.

112 The ms., according to Crusius, reads nos-"us."

113 Three was the most ancient number; and the names preserved by Pausanias, are Mele/th, 'Aoidh/, Mnh/mh.

114 Cicero (de Nat. Deor., iii. 21, a passage where there is some doubt as to the reading) enumerates as the four Muses, Thelxiope, Aoede, Arche, Melete.

115 The ms. reads Murtylus. Seven are said to have been mentioned by Epicharmis,-Neilous, Tritone, Asopous, Heptapolis, Acheloïs, Tipoplous, and Rhodia.

116 The nine are Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania, and Calliope (Theog., 77-79).

117 Lit., "into the end of the same opinion."

118 Lit., "in the middle," "intermediate."

119 i.e., Ephorus.

120 i.e., Hesiod.

121 Lit., "the undertaking of religion itself is brought into the danger," etc.

122 An Umbrian village.

123 Lit., "that the number is nine." [i.e., a triad of triads; the base a triad, regarded, even by heathen, as of mystical power.]

124 A grammarian who lived in the time of Augustus, not to be confounded with Cicero's correspondent.

125 Novitatum.

126 The Etruscans held (Pliny, H. N., ii. 52) that nine gods could thunder, the bolts being of different kinds: the Romans so far maintained this distinction as to regard thunder during the day as sent by Jupiter, at night by Summanus.

127 So LB., reading relig- for the ms. reg-iones.

128 Lit., "the very skilful."

129 Lit., "if the number nine bring on the name of," etc.

130 Lit., "gives another's might and power to gods presiding."

131 Lit., "the title of this name."

132 Lit., "after they have finished the mortality of life," i.e., either as above, or "having endured its perishableness."

133 Lit., "lying under."

134 So most edd., following Gelenius, who reads esse nomen for the ms. si omnes istud.

135 Lit., "who have deserved to," etc.

136 The ms. reads immortalium, corrected in the edd. urbem Ilium.

137 Supposed to be either the genius attending Jupiter; the family god as sent by him; or the chief among the genii, sometimes mentioned simply as Genius.

138 Lit., "whom the commonalty receives."

139 Consentes (those who are together, or agree together, i. e, councillors) and Complices (confederate, or agreeing) are said by some to be the twelve gods who composed the great council of heaven; and, in accordance with this, the words una oriantur et occidant una might be translated "rise and sit down together," i.e., at the council table. But then, the names and number of these are known; while Arnobius says, immediately after, that the names of the dii Consentes are not known and has already quoted Varro, to the effect that neither names nor number are known. Schelling (über die Gotth. v. Samothr., quoted by Orelli) adopts the reading (see following note), "of whom very little mention is made," i.e., in prayers or rites, because they are merely Jove's councillors, and exercise no power over men, and identifies them with the Samothracian Cabiri-Ka/beiroi and Consentes being merely Greek and Latin renderings of the name.

140 So the ms. and all edd. reading miserationis parcissimae, except Gelenius, who reads nationis barbarissimae-"of a most barbarous nation;" while Ursinus suggested memorationis parc.-"of whom very little mention is made,"-the reading approved by Schelling."

141 Lit., "shaken to its foundations."

142 Aeribus. Cf. Lucretius, ii. 633-636.

143 The ms. reads manas, corrected as above by all edd. except Hild, who reads Manias.

144 The ms. reads effunctorum; LB. et funct., from the correction of Stewechius; Gelenius, with most of the other edd., def.

145 The ms. and first ed. omit non.

146 Lit., "because of aversion."

147 Lit., "the form of their race."

148 i.e., ignorabitur et nescietur.

149 The ms. reads consolationem-"for each consolation," i.e., to comfort in every distress.

150 The ms. omits et.

151 The dii inferi.

152 The dii superi.

153 Saturn and Hercules were so worshipped.

154 Apollo.

155 The ms., first five edd., and Oehler read terreor-"terrified;" the others tor., as above, from the conjecture of Gifanius.

156 Cf. ch. 40, note 21. It may further be observed that the Etruscans held that the superior and inferior gods and men were linked together by a kind of intermediate beings, through whom the gods took cognizance of human affairs, without themselves descending to earth. These were divided into four classes, assigned to Tina (Jupiter), Neptune, the gods of the nether world, and men respectively.

157 So LB., Hild., and Oehler, reading nomine ne; all others ut, the ms. having no conjunction.

158 Lit., "it is fitting that you stand in the limits of," etc.

159 i.e., Summus Manium, Pluto.

1 Lit., "see altars built."

2 Lit., "in the regions of heaven."

3 The ms. reads tam (corrected by the first four edd. tamen) in regionibus-"in the divine seats;" corrected, religionibus, as above, by Ursinus.

4 Lit., "to the deluding of your deities."

5 Lit., "is contained in a form of its own kind."

6 i.e., manliness.

7 Lit., "which it is easy to perceive to be said by us with the greatest truth from,"etc.,-so most edd. reading nobis; but the ms., according to Crusius, gives vobis-"you," as in Orelli and Oberthür.

8 Lit., "less auspicious."

9 The ms., first four edd., and Elmenhorst, read, quae-"which;" the rest, as above, que.

10 Lit., "what is opposed to them named." nominatum; a correction by Oehler for the ms. nominatur- "is named."

11 The ms. and both Roman edd. read signatorum-"sealed;" the others, except Hild., ignotorum, as above.

12 Lit., "drew the meaning of her name."

13 Lit., "excelled the might of all."

14 ms., "that these, too," i.e., as well as Luperca.

15 No such discussion occurs in the preceding part of the work, but the subject is brought forward in the end of chap. 8, p. 478, infra.

16 In the first sentence the ms. reads utrique, and in the second utique, which is reversed in most edd., as above.

17 Lit., "ever at hand with gracious assistances."

18 Lit., "are not of."

19 6 i.e., the field of Cannae.

20 [1 Kings xviii. 27.]

21 Lit., "the parts."

22 Lit., "it cannot be brought into any light of general understanding by you."

23 Lit., "convexity."

24 Lit., "be of."

25 Lit., "to the state of the world."

26 Lit., "who have been so formed, that some things are said by us," nobis, the reading of Oberthür and Orelli for the ms. in nos- "with regard to us," which is retained by the first four edd., Elm., Hild. and Oehler.

27 i.e., transit in vocabulum sinistri; in being omitted in the ms. and both Roman edd.

28 Lit., "the turning round of the body being changed."

29 So Oehler, reading positione, sed tempore sed, for the ms. positionis et temporis et.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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