115 i.e. not his mother's, but the dug of the goat Amalthea.
117 Lit., "the eminence of the powers."
119 Lit., "Saturnian gravity."
120 Cf. ch. 14, note 8, supra.
121 It is worth while to compare this passage with ch. 16. Here Arnobius makes I.atona the mother of Apollo and Diana in accordance with the common legend; but there he represents the first Minerva as claming them as her children.
122 In the ms. there is here an evident blunder on the part of the copyist, who has inserted the preceding line ("the archer Apollo, and of the woods") after "the same." Omitting these words, the ms. reading is literally, "the name in Greek is to the Dioscori." Before "the name" some word is pretty generally supposed to have been lost, some conjecturing "to whom;" others (among them Orelli, following Salmasius) "Castores." But it is evidently not really necessary to supplement the text.
124 Orelli reads with the ms., LB., and Hild., babecali, which he interprets belli, i.e., "handsome."
125 ms. and first five edd. read inde-"thence;" the others in se, as above. [Elucidation III.]
126 Orelli, without receiving into the text, approves of the reading of Stewechius, promptam, "evident," for the ms. propriam.
127 Lit., "the benefits diminished by which it is lived."
128 The ms. reads ex Jovis; the first five edd. Jove-"from Jove," which is altogether out of place; the others, as above, ex ovis. Cf. i. 36.
129 The ms. reads et ablui diebus tantis...elevari; LB., Hild. and Oehler, statis or statutis...et levari-"and was loosed and released on fixed days:" Elm., Oberthür, and Orelli receive the conjecture of Ursinus, et suis diebus tantum...rel., as above.
130 Cf. iii. [cap. 41, p. 475, and cap. 30, p. 472].
131 i.e., hiding-place. Virg., Aen., viii. 322: Quoniam latuisset tutus in oris.
134 The ms. and most edd. give filias, making the Muses daughters of Macarus; but Orelli, Hild., and Oehler adopt, as above, the reading of Canterus, filiae, in accordance with Clem. Alex.
135 So the ms. reading numquid dictatum, which would refer this sentence to the end of the last chapter. Gelenius, with Canth., Oberth., and Orelli, reads quis ditatam, and joins with the following sentence thus: "Who related that Venus, a courtezan enriched by C., was deified...? who that the palladium," etc. Cf. v. 19.
136 The ms. reads quis mensibus in Arcadia tribus et decem vinctum-"Who that he was bound thirteen months in Arcadia? was it not the son," etc. To which there are these two objections-that Homer never says so; and that Clemens Alexandrinus [vol. ii. p, 179, this series], from whom Arnobius here seems to draw, speaks of Homer as saying only that Mars was so bound, without referring to Arcadia. The ms. reading may have arisen from carelessness on the part of Arnobius in quoting (cf. ch. 14, n. 2), or may be a corruption of the copyists. The reading translated is an emendation by Jortin, adopted by Orelli.
137 Sardibus,-a conjecture of Ursinus, adopted by LB., Hild., and Oehler for the ms. sordibus; for which the others read sordidi- "for the sake of base lust."
138 Lit., "the masculine one."
139 As this seems rather extravagant when said of one of the immortals, laesam, "hurt," has been proposed by Meursius.
142 The ms. reads Hieronymus Pl-"is Hier., is Pl.," while Clem. Alex. mentions only "Hieronymus the philosopher."
143 These names are all in the plural in the original.
144 So LB. and Orelli, reading Alopas, from Clem. Alex., for the ms. Alcyonas.
145 These names are all in the plural in the original.
147 In the original, somewhat at large-unam potuit prolem extundere, concinnare, compingere.
148 All edd. read this without mark of interrogation.
149 The ms. reads Phaetontem: for which, both here and in Clem., Potter proposed Phaonem, because no such amour is mentioned elsewhere.
150 i.e., either the arts which belong to each god (cf. the words in ii. 18: "these (arts) are not the gifts of science, but the discoveries of necessity"), or, referring to the words immediately preceding, obstetric arts.
151 Lit., "Euhemerus being opened."
152 So Elm. and Orelli, reading Nicanore for the ms. Nicagora, retained by all other edd.
153 Lit., "with the care of scrupulous diligence."
154 Meursius would join virginis to Minerva, thinking it an allusion to her title Parqe/noj.
155 These terms are employed of hetaerae.
156 Lit., "the title itself of their names was."
157 Qui sollicite relegit. Relegit is here used by Arnobius to denote the root of religio, and has therefore some such meaning as that given above. Cf. Cicero, de Nat. Deorum, ii. 28.
158 Lit., "an error of inadvertence."
159 Lit., "with the sacrificial bowl."
160 So the ms., both Roman edd., Elm., Hild., and Oehler, reading rursus; the others in cursu-"in the course."
161 Patrimus, i.e., one whose father is alive, is probably used loosely for patrimus et matrimus, to denote one both of whose parents were alive, who was therefore eligible for certain religious services.
162 So the ms. reading terram tenere, for which Hild. would read tensam, denoting the car on which were borne the images of the gods, the thongs or reins of which were held by the patrimus et matrimus; Lipsius, siserram, the sacrificial victim. The reading of the text has been explained as meaning to touch the ground with one's hands; but the general meaning is clear enough,-that it was unlucky if the boy made a slip, either with hands or feet.
163 Oberthür and Orelli omit non.
165 Lit., "placed in their ears."
166 Lit., "and it has not been established by you,"-a very abrupt transition in the structure of the sentence.
167 Lit., "which was very near to disgrace."
168 So the margin of Ursinus, followed by later edd., prefixing d before the ms. -eorum.
169 Lit., "has less bite, being weakened by the testimony of silent reviewing," recognitionis.
171 Coetu. The ms. and most edd. read coalitu,-a word not occurring elsewhere; which Gesner would explain, "put away that it may not be established among men," the sense being the same in either case.
172 Lit., "complain of the neglected insults of the other gods."
173 Lit., "as a lover by." Cf. Homer, Il., 14, 312.
175 Lit., "except that which was full of religion."
176 i.e., according to which such offenses should be punished.
178 Lit., "full-grown race," exoleti, a word frequently used, as here, sensu obscaeno.
180 i.e., the crowd of adulterers, as Orelli suggests.
181 Lit., "draw enticements of pleasures from."
182 Or, "Venus, the mother...and loving parent," etc.
183 Lit., "of meretricious vileness."
184 i.e., Cybele, to whom Mount Dindymus in Mysia was sacred, whose rites, however, were celebrated at Pessinus also, a very ancient city of Galatia.
185 ms. Sofocles, corrected in LB. Sophocles. Cf. Trach. 1022 sqq.
186 Lit., "towards (in) the last of the wasting consumed by the softening of his bowels flowing apart."
187 Lit., "debauched and scoffers."
188 So Orelli, reading et quando; ms. and other edd. et si-"and if ever."
189 Arnobius is generally thought to refer here to the persecution under Diocletian mentioned by Eusebius, Hist. Eccl., viii. 2.
190 The service in which these prayers were offered was presided over by the bishop, to whom the dead body was brought: hymns were then sung of thanksgiving to God, the giver of victory, by whose help and grace the departed brother had been victorious. The priest next gave thanks to God, and some chapters of the Scriptures were read; afterwards the catechumens were dismissed; the names of those at rest were then read in a clear voice, to remind the survivors of the success with which others had combated the temptations of the world. The priest again prayed for the departed, at the close beseeching God to grant him pardon, and admission among the undying. Thereafter the body was kissed, anointed, and buried.-Dionysius, Eccl. Hier., last chapter quoted by Heraldus. Cf. Const. Apost., viii. 41. With the Church's advance in power there was an accession of pomp to these rites. [Elucidation IV.]
191 Cf. the younger Pliny, Epist., x. 97: "They affirmed that they bound themselves by oath not for any wicked purpose, but to pledge themselves not to commit theft, robbery, or adultery, nor break faith, or prove false to a trust."
192 Lit., "whom our society joins together," quos solidet germanitas. [Lardner justly argues that this passage proves our author's familiarity with rites to which catechumens were not admitted. Credibil., vol. iii. p. 458.]
193 i.e., in their sight or estimation.
194 Lit., "conceive these torches."
195 Lit., "have roared with tremblings of the earth."
196 The ms. reads conru-isse auras temporum, all except the first four edd. inserting p as above. Meursius would also change temp. into ventorum- "the breezes of the winds."
197 So the ms., reading comptu-tie, according to Hild., followed by LB. and Orelli.
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