178 Lit., "that effigies have been far removed from them." This may be understood, either as meaning that the gods had not visible form at all, or, as above, that their likenesses made by men showed no resemblance.
180 It is important to notice the evidence in this one sentence of haste and want of revision. In the first line we find a genitive (discordiarum-"dissensions"), but not the noun on which it depends; and in the apodosis a verb (disjunctas esse-"have been removed," i.e., "are remote") has no subject, although its gender imperatively requires that has res, or some such words, be supplied. One omission might have been easily ascribed to a slip on the part of the copyist; but two omissions such as these occurring so closely, must, it would seem, be assigned to the impetuous disregard of minutiae with which Arnobius blocked out a conclusion which was never carefully revised. (Cf. Appendix, note 1, and p. 539, n. 8.) The importance of such indications is manifest in forming an opinion on the controversy as to this part of the work.
181 Lit., "are of...those meeting the functions of mortality," obeunti-um, corrected by Gelenius (according to Orelli) for the ms. -bus, retained, though unintelligible, by Canterus, Oberth., and Hild.
182 [See p. 519, note 1, and p. 528, cap. 26, supra.]
183 Lit., "of." [Cap. 29, p. 529, supra.]
185 Lit., "of." [Cap. 29, p. 529, supra.]
186 Lit., "of." [Cap. 29, p. 529, supra.]
188 So the ms., both Roman edd., Hild., and Oehler, reading promptae; corrected praesumptae-"taken for granted," in the rest.
189 i.e., offerings to parents, as the name implies, and other relatives who were dead.
191 Lit., "in the writings of which we read."
193 Lit., "by satisfaction of."
194 36 in Orelli. [See note 1, Appendix, p. 539, infra]
195 Lit., "added evil heavier than evil."
196 So later edd., reading vaderet from the margin of Ursinus, while the first three retain the ms. reading suaderet-"persuade."
197 i.e., the slave writhing under the scourge.
198 Lit., "of so great power."
201 Lit., "which either a...made," etc.
202 Lit., "very near to danger of carrying off liberty."
205 So the ms., LB., Hild., and Oehler, reading volu-p-tates, i.e., the games and feasts spoken of previously; the other edd. read -n--"wishes."
206 Oehler explains frustra by otiose-"who was leisurely delighted," but there is no reason why it should not have its usual meaning, as above. [See note 1, Appendix, p. 539.]
207 i.e., from heaven. Instead of e-vocari, however, Heraldus has proposed a--"be diverted."
209 Lit., "was in the cause of the vicious dancer."
211 So all edd., rejecting s from ms. contemptu-s.
213 So, by omitting two letters, all edd. except 1st and Ursinus, which retain ms. adult-er-ae-"adulterous."
215 40 in Orelli. The ms., 1st edd., and Ursinus want si.
216 Lit., "and restored." [Conf. Pont. Max. here named, with vol. iv. p. 74.]
217 The ms. and Ursinus read reddere-t-"if he was to restore;" corrected, as above, by omission of t.
218 i.e., if he is a god. Cf. iii. 20; [specially, note 3, p. 469].
220 Lit., "the terror of coercion should begin from the father with whom."
223 The ms. reads rett-ulit, emended ret--"gave back," i.e., got rid of, by 1st ed. and Ursinus; and rep-, as above, by Gelenius and others.
224 41 in Orelli. [See Appendix, note 1, p. 539.]
225 In the ms. and both Roman edd. the section translated on p. 539 is inserted here. Ursinus, however (pp. 210-211), followed by Heraldus (312-313), enclosed it in brackets, and marked it with asterisks. In all other edd. it is either given as an appendix, or wholly rejected.
228 So the edd., reading et for ms. ut (according to Crusius).
229 Lit., "restoration be supplied to his strength."
230 So Gelenius, merely adding t to the ms. posse. The passage is, however, very doubtful.
231 Lit., "how weakly and feeble it is said."
232 These words, non debuit oculorum negare conspectui, should, Orelli thinks, be omitted; and certainly their connection with the rest of the sentence is not very apparent.
233 Lit., "he was, and such as he had learned that he was, contained in the power of his divinity."
234 Lit., "to ambiguous contradictions."
236 Lit., "if your services of certain persons are certain," i.e., if these facts on which your worship is built are well ascertained.
237 What species of snake this was, is not known; the Latin is therefore retained, as the sentence insists on the distinction.
240 Lit., "bearing himself on feet, nor unfolding below his own goings."
242 So Hild. and Oehler, reading labefac-t-amus for the ms. -i-.
243 This sentence alone is sufficient to prove that these chapters were never carefully revised by their author, as otherwise so glaring repetitions would certainly have been avoided.
244 Here the ms. and both Roman edd. insert the last clause, "what...forests."
248 The ms., 1st ed., Hild., and Oehler read gener-ent, corrected in the rest, as above, -arent.
249 Lit., "all wicked and distinguished by no diversity."
250 Lit., "the human race has been mixed in," etc.
251 So all edd., reading vi morbi, except Hild., who retains the ms. vi urbi, in which case the italics should denote "of the disease," instead of "to the city." The construction, however, seems to make it impossible to adhere to the ms..
252 Lit., "to have erred much from."
254 Lit., "from the possession of Italy."
255 So all edd. to Orelli, adding -em to the ms. quid. [See, concerning Pessinus, p. 492, supra.]
256 Lit., "a face too little expressed with imitation."
258 Lit., "did a stone drive," etc.
260 So the ms. and edd.; but, on account of the unnecessary repetition, Ursinus proposed to delete atri. Unger (Anal. Propert., p. 87) has suggested very happily arti-"of confined, i.e., small body.'"
261 Vim, suggested by Orelli, and adopted by Hild. and Oehler.
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