262 Lit., "subjected to."

263 So Hild. and Oehler, reading moli for the unintelligible ms. more.

264 Lit., "so great assaults of war."

265 So Oehler, adding -o to the ms. est. The word immediately preceding is in the ms. pavorem-"panic," which is of course utterly out of place, and is therefore corrected, as above, f- in all edd., except 1st, Ursinus, and Hild.

266 So-ab Italia-Oehler has admirably emended the ms. habitabilia.

267 Lit., "if he is."

268 48 in Orelli.

269 All edd., except Hild. and Oehler, begin a new sentence here, and change the construction, seemingly following the mistake of the 1st ed.

270 "To do...to show;" so the edd., dropping -nt from the ms. facere-nt...praebere-nt.

271 "To do...to show;" so the edd., dropping -nt from the ms. facere-nt...praebere-nt.

272 Lit, "showed." Ursinus and Heraldus supposed that some paragraphs are now wanting which were originally found here. It should be noticed that in the ms. the usual subscription is found denoting the end of a book. "The seventh book of Arnovius (sic) ends, the eighth (i.e., Octavius of Minucius Felix.) begins," so that the present arrangement is not due to the binder, nor clearly to the copyist who wrote these words. Nothing can be more certain than that we do not have these chapters as Arnobius intended to leave them; but there is not the slightest reason to suppose that he actually left them otherwise than they have come down to us. Remembering this, we may well suppose that we have only the first draught of them. If so, the difficulties vanish, for nothing would be more natural than that, when Arnobius was drawing near the close of his work, the ideas of the conclusion in which the discussion was to be fairly summed up should force themselves upon his attention, and that he should therefore turn aside at once to give them expression roughly, without seeking completeness and elaboration, and should then hastily resume his argument, of course with the intention of afterwards revising and re-arranging the whole. We may infer that the re-arrangement was never effected, as there are sufficient proofs that the revision was never accomplished, whatever may have been the reason.

1 This section, which is found in the ms. after the first sentence of ch. 44, was retained in the text of both Roman editions, marked off, however, by asterisks in that of Ursinus, but was rejected by Gelenius and later editors as the useless addition of some copyist. Oehler alone has seen that it is not "a collection of words gathered carelessly and thoughtlessly" (Hildebrand), and maintained that we have in it the corrections of Arnobius himself. If the three paragraphs are read carefully, it will be observed that the first is a transposition and reconstruction of the first two sentences of ch. 39; the second a revision of the interrogations in ch. 41, but with the sentence which there precedes placed after them here, whilst the third is made up of the same sentences in a revised and enlarged form. Now this must be regarded as conclusive evidence against the hypothesis that these sentences were originally scribbled carelessly on the margin, and afterwards accidentally incorporated in the text. Cf. p. 532, n. 10.

2 Lit., "motions."

3 Lit. "to the heights (apices) of gravity and weight," i.e., of that constancy of mind which is not moved by trifles.

4 Lit., "of hurting and raging."

5 i. e., evil dispositions.

6 Lit., "motions."

7 So the ms., according to Crusius, inserting transiri, which is omitted by Hild., either because it is not in the ms., or because he neglected to notice that Orelli's text was deficient. If omitted, we should translate, "that some pass, leaning forward, and rush with their heads towards the ground."

8 Lit., "of something."

9 Lit., "far and far."

10 [For puer matrimus (one whose mother is yet living), see p. 486, note 11, supra And for the argument, here recast, turn to cap. 41, p. 534.]

11 Words of Jesus, vol. viii. p. 63, trans., ed. Edinburgh, 1858.

12 New-Testament Commentary, Kendrick's trans., vol. iii. p. 120, ed. 1858.

13 Eunuch., iii. 5.

14 August., De Civitate, book ii. cap. 7.

15 Rom. viii. 3-39.

113 note 11 The service in which these prayers were offered was presided over by the bishop, to whom the dead body was brought: hymns were then sung of thanksgiving to God, the giver of victory, by whose help and grace the departed brother had been victorious. The priest next gave thanks to God, and some chapters of the Scriptures were read; afterwards the catechumens were dismissed; the names of those at rest were then read in a clear voice, to remind the survivors of the success with which others had combated the temptations of the world. The priest again prayed for the departed, at the close beseeching God to grant him pardon, and admission among the undying. Thereafter the body was kissed, anointed, and buried.-Dionysius, Eccl. Hier., last chapter quoted by Heraldus. Cf. Const. Apost., viii. 41. With the Church's advance in power there was an accession of pomp to these rites. [Elucidation IV.]

16 Quoted in Tracts for the Times (p. 30), vol. iii., ed. New York, 1840.

17 He was royal librarian at Versailles under Charles X. See his Travels in Italy (Clifton's trans.), p. 501, ed. Paris, 1842.

18 It appeared in Paris 1764. A more literal translation (by the Abbé de Feller) was published, Liege, 1779.

19 Published in 1794.

20 Works, vol. vi. p. 140, ed. Paris, 1850.

21 De Maistre quotes, "Potest unus ita pro alio poenam compensare vel debitum solvere ut ille satisfacere merito dici possit." Bellarmin, Opp., tom. iii. col. 1493, ed. Ingolstadt, 1601.

22 See Jenyns, p. 67 (ed. eighth), Philadelphia, 1780.

23 Milton, Paradise Lost, ix. 785.

24 Rom. viii. 19.

25 Plato, Repub., Opp., tom. vi. pp. 225-226, ed. Bipont.

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