11 Vol. i. pp. 164, 166, 170, 178, 190-193, 263, 272; Irenaeus, Ibid., 468, 546, etc.

12 Vol. iii. p. 628. Compare (same volume) notes 15, p. 602, and 1, p. 604.

13 Vol. ii. p. 98, notes 1, 2; also p. 103, note 5.

14 Vol. iii. p. 299, note 19.

1 Works of Grester, vol. xv. p. 434, Ratisbon, 1741, in fol., from a manuscript codex.

2 This paragraph is wanting in a very ancient copy.

3 omoousioj.

4 Reading e0k parqe/nou for e0k paqo/ntoj.

5 Matt. iii. 17.

6 1 Cor. xv. 47.

7 1 Cor. xv. 45.

8 Luke i. 34.

9 Luke i. 35.

10 Matt. i. 20, 21.

11 John viii. 58.

12 John xiii. and xvi.

13 Matt. xvi. 21.

14 Matt xxvi. 64; Mark xiv. 62.

15 Matt. xvi. 27.

16 Isa. ix.; Matt. iv.; John i., iii., viii., ix., xii.

17 John xi. 25, xiv. 6.

18 John x. 10.

19 John viii. 51.

20 diairetw=j.

21 John viii. 40.

22 Or, and incorruptible.

23 John ii. 20, 21.

24 [Christ's flesh being incorruptible, transubstantiation cannot be true: the holy food is digested in its material part.]

25 Mal. iii. 6.

26 Ps. xvi. 10; Acts ii. 31.

27 John x. 17.

28 John vi. 55.

29 John vi. 56.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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