206 see above, §4, 24, note.

116 7 Mt. 13, 30.

117 8 Mt. 13, 31a.

118 9 Lk. 13, 18b.

119 10 Mk. 4, 30b.; Lk. 13, 19a.

120 11 Mt. 13, 31c.; Mk. 4, 31b.

121 12 Mt. 13, 32b.; Mk. 4, 32b.

122 13 Mk. 4, 33.228

123 14 Lk. 13, 20b.

124 15 Mt. 13, 33b.

125 16 Mt. 13, 34a.; Mk. 4, 33b.

126 17 Mt. 13, 34b.; Mt. 13, 35.

207 The word (if not a corruption of that used in the Brit. Mus. text of Ibn-at-Tayyib's Commentary, and in §43, 46 where, however, according to Ciasca's foot-note, it was not the word first written by the scribe) is Syriac. Perhaps it means the ends of the earth (see P. Smith, Thes. Syr.). Still a third word is used in §47, 42.

128 18 Mk. 4, 34b.

129 19 Mt. 13, 36.

208 cf. §11, 32, note.

131 20 Mt. 13, 37.

132 21 Mt. 13, 38.

133 22 Mt. 13, 39.

209 Singular.

135 23 Mt. 13, 40.

136 24 Mt. 13, 41.

137 25 Mt. 13, 42.

138 26 Mt. 13, 43.

139 27 Mt. 13, 44.

140 28 Mt. 13, 45.

141 29 Mt. 13, 46.

142 30 Mt. 13, 47.

210 cf. note to §10, 8.

144 31 Mt. 13, 48.

145 32

146 33 Mt. 13, 49.

147 34 Mt. 13, 50.

148 35 Mt. 13, 51.

149 36 Mt. 13, 52.

150 37 Mt. 13, 53.

151 38 Mt. 13, 54.

152 39 Mk. 6, 2.

211 Lit. powers.

154 40 Mt. 13, 55.

155 41 Mt. 13, 56.

156 42 Mt. 13, 57.; Lk. 4, 23.

212 cf. above, §4, 24, note.

158 43 Lk. 4, 24.

159 44 Mk. 6, 4b.

160 45 Lk. 4, 25.

161 46 Lk. 4, 26.

162 47 Lk. 4, 27.

213 Of the Syriac versions Cur. and Sin. are wanting. Pesh, has Aramaean.

164 48 Mk. 6, 5.

214 Lit. powers.

166 49 Mk. 6, 6a.

167 50 Lk. 4, 28.

168 51 Lk. 4, 29.

169 52 Lk. 4, 30.

170 53 Mk. 6, 6b.

171 1 Mt. 14, 1.; Lk. 9, 7b.; Mk. 6, 14b.

215 There can be little doubt that this is the meaning of the Arabic. There is nothing like it in the Peshitta; the Curetonian is of course lacking; but the phrase in the Sinaitic is very similar.

173 2 Lk. 9, 7c.

174 3 Lk. 9, 8a.; Mt. 16, 14b.

216 Here begins verse 8a in Greek.

176 4 Lk. 9, 8b.; Mk. 6, 15b.

177 5 Mk. 6, 16.; Mt. 14, 2b.

178 6 Mk. 6, 17.

179 7 Mk. 6, 18.

180 8 Mk. 6, 19.

181 9 Mk. 6, 20.

182 10 Mt. 14, 5.

183 11 Mk. 6, 21.

217 Perhaps appointment (cf. Moesinger, p. 165; but Isho'dad [Harris, Fragments, p. 65] and the Brit. Mus. text of Ibn-at-Tayyib's Commentary have the ordinary reading).

185 12 Mk. 6, 22.

186 13 Mk. 6, 23.

187 14 Mk. 6, 24.

218 Or simply ask.

189 15 Mk. 6, 25.

190 16 Mk. 6, 26.

191 17 Mk. 6, 27.

192 18 Mk. 6, 28.

193 19 Mk. 6, 29.; Mt. 14, 12b.

219 Or, to tell.

195 20 Lk. 9, 9.

196 21 Mt. 14, 13a.; Jo. 6, 1b.

220 A misunderstanding at slavish reproduction of the Syriac. The Brit. Mus. text of Ibn-at-Tayyib's Commentary has of Galilee, Tiberias.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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