66 23 Lk. 9, 11.

67 24 Mk. 11, 12.

68 25 Mk. 11, 13.

405 Lit, one (Syriac).

406 Lit. and it.

71 26 Mk. 11, 14.

72 27 Mk. 11, 15a.; Jo. 3, 1.

73 28 Jo. 3, 2.

74 29 Jo. 3, 3.

75 30 Jo. 3, 4.

76 31 Jo. 3, 5.

77 32 Jo. 3, 6.

78 33 Jo. 3, 7.

79 34 Jo. 3, 8.

80 35 Jo. 3, 9.

81 36 Jo. 3, 10.

407 Or the teacher of.

83 37 Jo. 3, 11.

84 38 Jo. 3, 12.

85 39 Jo. 3, 13.

86 40 Jo. 3, 14.

87 41 Jo. 3, 15.

88 42 Jo. 3, 16.

408 The Arabic particle means in order that. Perhaps it is a clerical error for so that; or it may be meant to represent the Syriac.

90 43 Jo. 3, 17.

91 44 Jo. 3, 18.

409 The translator has followed too closely the order of words in his Syriac original, which agrees with the Text. Rec.

93 45 Jo. 3, 19.

94 46 Jo. 3, 20.

95 47 Jo. 3, 21.

96 1 Mk. 11, 19.

97 2 Mk. 11, 20.

98 3 Mt. 21, 20b.

99 4 Mk. 11, 21.

100 5 Mk. 11, 22.

101 6 Mk. 11, 23.

102 7 Mt. 21, 21b.

410 Syr.

104 8 Lk. 17, 5.

105 9 Lk. 17, 6.

411 The Syriac word.

412 Lit. Increase us in.

108 10 Lk. 17, 7.

109 11 Lk. 17, 8.

110 12 Lk. 17,9.

413 Or, But.

112 13 Lk. 17, 10.

113 14 Mk. 11, 24.

114 15 Mk. 11, 25.

115 16 Mk. 11, 26.

116 17 Lk. 18, 1.

117 18 Lk. 18, 2.

118 19 Lk. 18, 3.

119 20 Lk. 18, 4.

120 21 Lk. 18, 5.

121 22 Lk. 18, 6.

122 23 Lk. 18, 7.

123 24 Lk. 18, 8.

124 25 Mk. 11, 15a.

125 26 Lk. 20, 1.

126 27 Lk. 20, 2a.; Mk. 11, 28b.

127 28 Mk. 11, 29a.; Mt. 21, 24b.

128 29 Mt. 21, 25a.

129 30 Mk. 11, 30b.

130 31 Mt. 21, 25b.

131 32 Mt. 21, 26a.

414 Verse 26 begins here in the Greek.

415 From Mark.

134 33 Lk. 20, 6b.; Mk. 11, 32b.

416 cf. Syriac.

136 34 Mk. 11, 33.

137 35 Mt. 21, 28.

138 36 Mt. 21, 29.

139 37 Mt. 21, 30.

140 38 Mt. 21, 31.

141 39 Mt. 21, 32.

142 40 Mt. 21, 33a.

143 41 Lk. 20, 9b.

144 42 Mk. 21, 34.

417 The difference between singular and plural is very slight in Arabic.

418 Lit. property.

147 43 Mk. 12, 3b.

148 44 Mk. 12, 4.

419 A word used specially of wounding the head.

150 45 Mk. 12, 5a.

151 46 Mt. 21, 35.

152 47 Mt. 21, 36.

153 48 Lk. 20, 13.

154 49 Mk. 12, 6a.

155 50 Mt. 21, 38a.

156 51 Lk. 20, 14b.

157 52 Mt. 21, 39.

158 53 Mt. 21, 40.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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