204 11 Lk. 22, 58a.; Jo. 18, 26a.
670 This is an alternative meaning of the Syriac word affirmed, used in the Peshitta.
671 cf. Sinaitic (Curetonian wanting). Vat. MS., which Ciasca follows, adds /him or it.
208 13 Mt. 26, 73c.; Jo. 18, 26b.
672 Borg. MS., by adding diacritical points, gets asserted.
217 21 Mt. 26, 59b.; Mt. 26, 60a.
221 25 Mk. 14, 59.; Mt. 26, 63a.
673 Syriac order, but not in agreement with the versions.
674 Vat. MS. has anything, when these.
675 The word usually means synagogue in this work.
236 37 Mk. 14, 63a.; Mt. 26, 65b.
676 The foreign word used in the Peshitta is preserved. The Sinaitic uses a Syriac word meaning garment.
239 39 Mk. 14, 64b.; Mt. 26, 66.
240 40 Mk. 14, 65a.; Lk. 22, 63b.
241 41 Mk. 14, 65c.; Mt. 26, 68.
245 43 Jo. 18, 28.; Mk. 15, 1b.
250 45 Mt. 27, 11a.; Jo. 18, 29.
685 Or, led astray (cf. §25, 17, note).
687 Same word as in §10, 16 (see note there).
689 The Arabic word may also, like the Syriac, mean thing, but hardly, as that does here, fault or crime. The Vat. MS., pointing differently, reads thing. The same confusion occurs at §40, 35 (cf. a converse case in §25, 40).
690 So Ciasca's text, following the Borg. MS. The Vat. MS. has plotted, which is nearer the Syriac accuse.
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