692 Ciasca's text, following the Vat. MS., has disorder. Borg. MS. has division (cf. heresies, Curetonian of § 50, 37)), which by addition of a diacritical point gives sedition; cf. §50, 37 (Ciasca, following Vat. MS.), and Peshitta (both places).

41 26 Mk. 15, 8.

42 27 Mk. 15, 9a.; Mt. 27, 17b.

43 28 Mt. 27, 18.

44 29 Mt. 27, 20.

45 30 Mt. 27, 21.

46 31 Mt. 27, 22a.

47 32 Mk. 15, 13.

48 33 Lk. 23, 20.

49 34 Lk. 23, 21.

50 35 Lk. 23, 22.

693 Our translator has retained the Syriac word, which in this context means fault (see §50, 11, note).

52 36 Lk. 23, 23.

694 The word used in Vat MS. means a repeated charge or attack. That in Borg. MS. is probably used in the post-classical sense of importuning him. Either word might be written by a copyist for the other. The came double reading probably occurs again at §53, 55.

54 37 Mk. 15, 15a.; Lk. 23, 25a.; Mt. 27, 26b.

695 cf. Syriac versions.

56 38 Mt. 27, 27.

57 39 Mt. 27, 28.

58 40 Jo. 19, 2.

59 41 Mt. 27, 29b.

696 This may be a mere clerical error (very natural in Arabic) for scoffed at, the reading of the Syriac versions. This being so, it is worthy of remark that the reading is apparently common to the two MSS. The Syriac words are, however, also somewhat similar. The Jerusalem Lectionary has a word agreeing with the text above.

697 Lit. Peace.

62 42 Mt. 27, 30.; Jo. 19, 3b.

63 43 Jo. 19, 4.

698 This reading may be a corruption of a very literal rendering of the Peshitta.

699 cf. 50, 11.

66 44 Jo. 19, 5.

67 45 Jo. 19, 6.

700 cf. §11, 11, note.

701 see §50, 35, note.

70 46 Jo. 19, 7.

71 47 Jo. 19, 8.

72 48 Jo. 19, 9.

73 49 Jo. 19, 10.

702 Borg. MS., Why speakest; a reading that might be a corruption of the Peshitta.

75 50 Jo. 19, 11.

703 Lit. even one (Peas.),

77 51 Jo. 19, 12.

78 1 Jo. 19, 13.

79 2 Jo. 19, 14.

704 Lit. six hours.

81 3 Jo. 19, 15.

82 4 Mt. 27, 24

705 Or, that.

706 cf. Peshitta. Or, Ye know (cf. Sinaitic).

85 5 Mt. 27, 25.

86 6 Jo. 19, 16a.

87 7 Mt. 27, 3.

88 8 Mt. 27, 4.

89 9 Mt. 27, 5.

707 Borg. MS. omits and he ment away.

708 Lit. strangled.

92 10 Mt. 27, 6.

709 cf. §32, 15, note.

94 11 Mt. 27, 7.

95 12 Mt. 27, 8.

96 13 Mt. 27, 9.

710 Or, at that (time).

98 14 Mt. 27, 10.

99 15 Jo. 19, 16b.; Mk. 15, 20b.

100 16 Jo. 19, 17a.; Mt. 27, 31b.

101 17 Mt. 27, 32a.; Mk. 15, 21b.; Mt. 27, 32b.

102 18 Lk. 23, 26b.

103 19 Lk. 23, 27.

711 Lit. being burned. The text is probably corrupt.

105 20 Lk. 23, 28.

106 21 Lk. 23, 29.

107 22 Lk. 23, 30.

108 23 Lk. 23, 31.

712 Lit. wood (cf. Syr. and Greek).

110 24 Lk. 23, 32.

713 Or, others, malefactors.

112 25 Lk. 23, 33a.; Jo. 19, 17c.; Lk. 23, 33b.

113 26 Mk. 15, 28.

114 27 Mk. 15, 23a.; Mt. 27, 34b.; Mk. 15, 23b.

115 28 Jo. 19, 23.

116 29 Jo. 19, 24.

117 30 Mt. 27, 36.

118 31 Jo. 19, 19.

714 Mt. 27, 37.

120 32 Jo. 19, 20.

715 A different word from that in the preceding verse; in each case, the word used in the Peshitta (Cur. and Sin. lacking).

122 33 Jo. 19, 21.

716 The Syriac words, retained in Ibn-at-Tayyib's Commentary (f. 366a), seem to have been transposed. Vat. MS. omits he, probably meaning but that he said.

124 34 Jo. 19, 22.

717 In a carelessly written Arabic MS. there is almost no difference between hath been written and I have written, as it is in Ibn-at-Tayyib (loc. cit., f. 366a).

126 35 Lk. 23, 35a.; Mt. 27, 39.

718 cf. §7, 17, note. Borg. MS. has jesting at.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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