82 Matt. xiii. 52.

83 1 Tim. iv. 13.

84 Ps. i. 2.

85 Heb. x. 1.

86 Matt. xviii. 16.

87 Marcion and his school.

88 2 Cor. iv. 16.

89 2 Cor. iii, 7.

90 1 Cor. xi. 1.

91 Lev. xxvi. 10, 11.

92 Lev. xxvi. 12; 2 Cor. vi. 16.

93 Matt. xiii 53, 54.

94 Matt. xiii. 11.

95 Mark vi. i. see pp. 1-31 of this volume.

96 Matt. ii. 23.

97 Matt. xiii. 57.

98 1 Cor. i. 23.

99 Eph. ii. 12.

100 Matt. xiii. 54.

101 Matt. xii. 42.

102 Matt. xiii. 55.

103 Matt. xiii. 55, 56.

104 The Gospel of Peter, of which a fragment was recovered in and published in 1892.

105 Protevangelium Jacobi, c. 9.

106 Luke i. 35.

107 Gal. i. 19.

108 Jos. Ant. xviii. 4.

109 Jude 1.

110 Matt. xiii, 56.

111 John vii. 15.

112 Matt. xiii. 57.

113 Acts vii. 52.

114 1 Thess. ii. 14, 15.

115 John v. 46.

116 Jer. xx. 9.

117 Jer. xx. 7.

118 Probably the Ascrnsio Isaice. Cf. Orig. Ep. ad Afric. C. 9.

119 Heb. xi. 37.

120 Matt. xxiii. 35. Cf. Orig. Ep. ad Afric. c. 9.

121 Heb. xi. 37.

122 2 Tim. iii. 12.

123 Matt. xxviii. 19.

124 Acts i. 8.

125 Joel ii. 28

126 Luke vi. 23.

127 Matt. xiii. 58.

128 Matt. xiii 12.

129 Matt. xvii. 19, 20.

130 Matt. xiv. 31.

131 Luke viii. 45, 46.

132 Matt. xvii. 20.

133 Matt. xiii. 58.

134 Mark vi. 5.

135 Mark vi. 5.

136 Gen. i, 11.

137 Wisdom of Solomon ix. 6.

138 Jer. ix. 23.

139 Matt. xiv. 1.

140 Mark vi. 14.

141 Luke ix. 7.

142 Or, none other than.

143 Matt. xxi. 25.

144 Matt. xi. 14.

145 John x. 41.

146 Luke ix. 8.

147 Mark vi. 15.

148 Luke i. 17.

149 Matt. xi. 2, 3.

150 Matt. xiv, 2.

151 The question of John's relation to Jesus and of the supposed transcorporation, is more fully discussed by Origen in his Commentary on John, book vi. 7, p. 353, sqq.

152 Matt. xiv. 3.

153 Luke xvi. 16.

154 Gen. xlix. 10

155 Matt. xiv. 3.

156 Matt. xiv. 3, 4.

157 Matt. xi. 17; Luke vii. 32

158 Gen. xl. 20.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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