34 The translation here referred to is the Vetus Latina, as revised by the Church of Northern Italy in the fourth century, prior to the final recension of Jerome, commonly called the Vulgate.

35 Among these are Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, and Clemens Alexandrinus. Comp. Augustin, De Civ. Dei, xviii. 43, and Epp. 71 and 75.

36 John ix. 7.

37 Matt. x. 16.

38 Eph. iv. 22.

39 Matt. vii. 13.

40 Gen. viii. 11.

41 Ps. li. 7.

42 Ex. xxiv. 18; 1 Kings xix. 8; Matt. iv. 2.

43 John xxi. 11.

44 Ps. xxxiii. 2..

45 John ii. 20.

46 Rom. i. 21-23.

47 Wisd. xiii. 9.

48 Gen. xxv. 24.

49 Comp. Deut. xiii. 1-3..

50 1 Sam. xxviii., comp. Ecclus. xlvi. 20.

51 Ventriloqua femina. The woman with a familiar spirit to whom Saul resorted in his extremity is called in the Septuagint translation e0ggastri/muqoj. See 1 Sam. xxviii. 7.

52 Acts xvi. 16-18.

53 1 Cor. x. 19, 20.

54 See Tylor's Early History of Mankind, pp. 42, 43.

55 See above, chap. xi.

56 Notae..

57 Notarii..

58 John. ii. 19.

59 Luke iii. 23.

60 See above, chap. xvi.

61 Augustin himself corrected this mistake. Retractations, ii. 4.

62 Qui sophistice loquitur, odibilis est. Ecclus. xxxvii. 20.

63 1 Cor. xv. 13, 14.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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