285 Ps. xli. 4.

286 John v. 14.

287 Ps. xxx. 2.

288 Ps. liv. 6.

289 Ps. cxix. 85.

290 2 Cor. iii. 17.

291 2 Pet. ii. 19.

292 John xv. 5.

293 John viii. 36.

294 [That is, in the Latin, "voluntas" (choice, will, volition) comes from velle (to wish, desire, determine), and "potestas" (power, ability) from "posse" (to be able).-W.]

295 [That is, in Latin, faith ("fides") is both active and passive, and means both trust and trustworthiness, both faith and faithfulness. This is also true in English, as Augustin's own examples illustrate-W.]

296 I Cor. x. 13.

297 Rom. iv. 3; comp. Gen. xv. 6.

298 Rom. iv. 5.

299 Rom. xiii. 1.

300 1 Cor. iv. 7.

301 Rom. ix. 14.

302 Rom. i. 24, 28.

303 9 John xix. 11.

304 1 Sam. xxiv. 7, and xxvi. 9.

305 1 John iv. 1.

306 1 Cor. xiii. 7

307 Rom. iv. 3.

308 Rom. viii. 15.

309 Rom. ii. 9.

310 Rom. iii. 30.

311 Matt. v. 6.

312 John i. 12.

313 See Matt. vii. 7.

314 Matt. vii. 11.

315 1 Cor. xv. 56.

316 Rom. vii. 8.

317 Wisd. viii. 21.

318 Matt. vii. 7.

319 Jas. i. 5, 6.

320 Rom. i. 17.

321 Rom. iv. 5.

322 Rom. iii. 27.

323 Gal. v. 5.

324 2 Cor. iv. 16.

325 Ps. ciii. 5.

326 Eph ii. 8-10.

327 Gal. v. 6.

328 Rom. v. 5.

329 Rom. iii. 21.

330 Ps. iii. 8.

331 Gal. ii. 16.

332 1 Cor. iv. 7.

333 Phil. ii. 13.

334 1Tim. ii. 4.

335 ["Media vis," a "midway power," as Dr. Bright translates it; i.e., it is indifferent in itself, and neither good nor bad, but may be used for either.-W.]

336 1Tim. ii. 4.

337 John i. 1.

338 Ps. lxii. 11, 12.

339 Ex quibus.

340 Ps. ciii. 2-5.

341 Ps. ciii. 5.

342 Non tributiones, sed retributiones.

343 Gal. v. 17.

344 Rom. vii. 23

345 Rom vii. 18.

346 Gal. v. 6.

347 Matt. xxv. 35.

348 Jas. ii. 13.

349 Matt. v. 7.

350 Matt. xxv. 46.

351 John xvii. 3.

352 John xiv. 8, 9.

353 Ps. ciii. 2.

354 Rom. x. 3.

355 Rom. iv. 5.

356 Gal. v. 6.

357 Rom. v. 5.

358 1 Cor. iv. 7.

359 1 Cor. iv. 7.

360 Rom. xi. 33.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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