94 See above, ch. 32 [xxx.]; compare De Pecc. Orig. chs. 5, 6.

95 2 Tim. i. 7.

96 See above, ch. 37 [xxxiv.].

97 See above, ch. 23.

98 Epistle to Demetrias, ch. 1.

99 Epistle to Demetrias, ch. 3.

100 Epistle to Demetrias, ch. 17.

101 Epistle to Demetrias, ch. 8.

102 Rom. vi. 14.

103 Epistle to Demetrias, ch. 9.

104 Rom. vii. 15.

105 Rom. vii. 23.

106 By his ecclesiastici viri he refers, of course, to ecclesiastical writers who had commented on St. Paul's doctrine. See also Augustin's Contra duas Epistt. Pelag. 1. 14 [viii.]; Contra Julianum, ii. 5 [iii.], 8 [iv.], 13 [v.], 30 [viii.]; and De Predestinatione Sanctorum, 4 [iv.].

107 Rom. vii. 25.

108 The nun Demetrias. See above, chs. 23, 28.

109 Rom. x. 3.

110 Phil. iii. 9

111 See On Nature and Grace, above, ch. 74.

112 Book ii. c. 84, on Luke iii. 22. Compare Against Two Letters of the Pelagians, below, iv. ch. 30.

113 1 Cor. x. 31.

114 Book vi. c. 25, on Luke vii. 41.

115 "In the ninth book of the same work," says St. Augustin. The reference, however, is to book x. of the editions, c. 89, on Luke xxii. 61.

116 Matt. xxvi. 69, 71.

117 Mark xiv. 66.

118 Luke xxii. 55.

119 John xviii. 16.

120 Luke xxii. 61.

121 Book x. c. 89.

122 Ps. xxx. 7.

123 It is impossible to preserve the paronomasia of the original, which plays on the meaning of the names Pelagius (pelago, sea) and Petrus (petra, rock).

124 It is the seventh book in the editions, c. 27, on Luke ix. 53.

125 Luke ix. 53.

126 Ex. xxxiii. 19.

127 Rom. ix. 16,

128 1 Cor. vi. 17. These are the words of Pelagius, which have been already quoted above, in ch. 24.

129 See above, ch. 4.

130 Ambrose on St. Luke, Book i. c. 17.

131 Luke i. 6; compare De Perfect. Just. ch. 38.

132 Phil. iii. 6.

133 Phil. iii. 8.

134 Matt. v. 6.

135 Rom. i. 17.

136 This work of Ambrose is no longer extant. It is again quoted by Augustin in his work, De Peccato Originali, c. 47 [xli.]; in his De Nuptiis et Concupisc. i. 40 [xxxv.]; in his Contra Julianum, i. 11 [iv.], ii. 24 [viii.]; and in his Contra duas Epist. Pelagianorum, c. 30 [xi.]. Ambrose himself mentions this work of his in his Exposition of Luke, Book ii. c. 56, on Luke ii. 19.

137 Phil. iii. 20.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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