45 Vel maxime pagani.

46 Six Mss. omit the tunc, at that time.-Migne.

47 Instead of de illo nuntia fama est, fourteen Mss. give de illo fama nuntiata est = is it a more trustworthy report that has been announced.-Migne.

48 Quibas eum praedicantibus ipsa per totum mundum fama fragravit?

49 Fama.

50 De catholica ecclesia.

51 Celebris.

52 The words stand, as above, in the great majority of Mss.: tam celebris, ut eam timendo isti trepidas et tepidas contradictiunculas in sinu suo rodant, jam plus metuentes audiri quam volentes credi, Filiam Dei Unigenitum et Deum praedicat Christum? In some Mss. and editions the sense is altered by inserting est after celebris, and substituting nolentes for volentes, and praedicari for praedicat; so that it becomes = that report is of such distinguished currency, that in dread of it they can only mutter, etc....as now rather fearing to be heard than refusing to admit the belief that Christ is proclaimed to be the only-begotten Son of God, etc. See Migne.-Tr.

53 Simul eos cum illo pictos viderent.

54 The text gives diem celebrius solemniter, etc.; others give diem celebrius et solemniter; and three Mss. have diem celeberrimum solemniter.-Migne.

55 A pingentibus fingentes decepti sunt.

56 Acts ix. 1-30.

57 Civitatem.

58 The text gives deos...colendos propitiare. Five mss. give deos...colendo propitiare.-Migne

59 Chrism.

60 Christos.

61 Et qui eruit te, Deus Israel, universae terrae vocabitur. Isa. liv. 5. [Compare the Hebrew, from which the Latin citation varies.-R.]

62 In his Retractations (ii. 16) Augustin alludes to this sentence, and says that the word Hebrews (Hebraei) may be derived from Abraham, as if the original form had been Abrahaei, but that it is more correct to take it from Heber, so that Hebraei is for Heberaei. He refers us also to his discussion in the City of God, xvi. 11.

63 Gen. xxviii. 14.

64 Chrism.

65 The text gives probetur veritas Christi, etc.; six Mss. give profertur veritas, etc.-Migne.

66 Or adduce-male laudando.

67 The philosopher of the Neo-Platonic school, better known as one of the earliest and most learned antagonists of Christianity. Though a native either of Tyre or Batanea, he is called here, as also again in the Retractations, ii. 31, a Sicilian, because, according to Jerome and Eusebius (Hist. Eccles. vi. 19), it was in Sicily that he wrote his treatise in fifteen books against the Christian religion.-Tr.

68 Luke iv. 41.

69 Ps. xcvi. 5. [Comp 1 Cor. x. 20, where "demons" is the more correct rendering (so Revised Version margin and American revisers' text).-R.]

70 Or, to such power in interpreting the divine mind-tantae divinitati resistatur.

71 Or, power-virtutis.

72 The text gives invitandos; others read imitandos, to be imitated.

73 Or, Away with that vain necessity and ridiculous timidity-Sed fuerit ista vana necessitas, etc.

74 Reading fata. Seven Mss. give facta = deeds.

75 [This reference to the destruction of idols has been used to fix the date of the Harmony; see Introductory Notice of translator. The polemic character of the larger part of Book i. seems due to the circumstances of that particular period in North Africa.-R.]

76 Reading futuras etiam litteras...in auctoritate ita sublimi. Six Mss. give futurum...sublimari, but with substantially the same sense.

77 Nihil aliud pro magno appetant quam cum aliquid eorum responsis sibi futurum esse didicerint.

78 Reading notior; others give potior = preferable. [The text of Migne reads notior et potentior, but five Mss. read notior et potior. The argument favours the former reading, and the latter can readily be accounted for.-R.]

79 Some read audere timeant = fear to dare. But the Mss. give more correctly audiri timeant = fear to be heard; i.e., the demons were afraid that, if they interdicted His worship, the true God might be made known by their own hand.-Migne.

80 Or, the breathed air-spiritum.

81 Jer. xxiii. 24.

82 Spiritum, breath.

83 AĆ«rem.

84 Alluding to the derivation of the word Aegis = ai0gi/j, a goatskin, from the Greek ai/c = goat.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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