85 See the first book of his De Natura Deorum, c. 42. Compare also Lactantius, De Falsa Religione, i. 11; and Varro, De Re Rustica, i. 48.
86 The father of Roman literature, born B.C. 239 at Rudiae in Calabria, both a poet and a man of learning, and well versed, among other things, in Oscan, Latin, and Greek-linguistic accomplishments beyond his day. Of his writings we now possess only fragments, preserved by Cicero, Macrobius, Aulus Gellius, and others.
87 Tusculan Disputations, Book i. 13.
89 From the Third Oration against Catiline, § 1.
91 On this Leo or Leon, see also Augustin's City of God, viii. 5. Reference is often made to him by early Christian writers as a thinker agreeing so far with the principles of Euhemerus (in whose time, or perhaps somewhat before it, he flourished) as to teach that the gods of the old heathen world were originally men. He is mentioned by Arnobius, Adversus Gentest, iv. 29; (Clement of Alexandria, Stromata, i. 23; Tertullian, De Corona, c. 7. Tatian, etc.
92 Reading, with Migne, Sed quid ad nos? Dicant se Jovem, etc. Others give, Sed quid ad nos si decant, etc. = But what is it to us although they say that they worship, etc. The si, however, is wanting in the Mss.
93 Reading, with Migne, Quid dicunt de Saturno? Quem, etc. Others give, Quid dicunt de Saturno qui = What do those say about Saturn who worship Saturn? The Mss. have quem.
94 Quasi latentem indicat, in reference to the story introduced in the Virgilian passage, that the country got its name, Latium, from the disappearance of the god.
95 The statue of Saturn represented him with a sickle or pruning-knife in his hand.
96 Migne's text gives, on the authority of Mss., the reading, Nam videris si fuit ille homo, etc. Others edit, Nam tametsi fuerit ille, etc. = For although he may have been a man...yet we interpret, etc.
98 Saturetur-saturated, abundantly furnished.
104 Reading arces. Some editions give artes = arts.
109 Reading colorare, as in the Mss. Some editions give colere = revere.
110 Reading fecunditatis. Faeditatis, foulness, also occurs.
117 Deut. vi. 4. [See Revised Version, text and margin, for the variations in the rendering of the Hebrew. Comp. Mark xii. 29 for similar variations in the passage as cited in the New Testament.-R.]
119 Exod. xxiii. 24. [Simulacra eorum. The Revised Version renders "their pillars," with "obelisks" in the margin.-R.]
121 Isa. vii. 14; Matt. i. 23.
122 Reading Si Saturnum putant. Others read, Si Saturnum Deum putant = if they deem Saturn to be God, etc.
126 The text gives humiliatum; but elatum seems to be required, corresponding with the LXX metewron.
127 Reading cedrum Libani excelsorum et elatorum, which is given by the Mss., and is accordant with the LXX uyhlwn kai metewrwn. Some editions give cedrum Libani excelsam et elatam = Every high and elevated cedar of Lebanon.
128 The LXX. here has kai epi pa\n o\endoon Basa/m = And upon every tree of the acorn of Bashan. For the bala/ou Augustin adopts Libani, as if he read in the Greek Aibanou.
129 The fifteenth verse of our version is wholly omitted.
130 [Ver. 18, though very relevant, is omitted: "And the idols shalt utterly pass away."-R.]
131 Isa. ii. 5-21. [The variations from the Hebrew are quite numerous; compare the English versions.- R.]
[...Et dedita sacris
Incerti Judaea Dei.-R.]
134 Reading torpidus; for which others give tepidus, cool.
136 [Ps. xix. 1-6, partly in citation, partly in allegorizing paraphrase.-R.]
137 Reading humilitate; some editions give humanitate, the humanity.
140 Purgare deus illum de plaga.
141 Figurare per sensum = set forth in sensible figure.
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