142 Reading aulas tuas confige; others give caulas = thy folds.
143 Isa. lii. 13-liv. 5 [The variations from the Hebrew, especially in some of the more obscure passages, are worthy of notice. Compare the Revised Version, text and margin, in loco.-R.]
144 Matt. xxvi., xxvii.; Mark xiv., xv.; Luke xxii., xxiii.; John xviii., xix.
145 [Isa. lii. 15 (in the Revised Version): "So shall He sprinkle many nations," with margin, "Or, startle."-R.]
147 Magis ipsae vident quam vera nuntiata sint per prophetas.
148 John xii. 37, 38; Rom. x. 16.
153 Reading defessa; others give depressa, crushed.
154 Others read nolunt, who refuse.
155 See Cicero's Oration in behalf of Roscius.
156 See Cicero, Against Verres, 5.
158 In rebus orintibus et occidentibus occupata tenebatur.
159 Fieret et deorsum hominibus exemplum redeundi et eis qui sursum sunt angelis exemplum manendi.
160 Reading quae medietas temporalis esset de imis, justa de summis. Another version gives quae medietas temporalis esset de imis mixta et summis = which temporal mediatizing factor might be made up of the lowest and the highest objects together, or = which might be a temporal mediatizing factor made up, etc.
4 Luke iii. 23. [Revised Version, "And Jesus Himself, when He began to teach, was about," etc. The Latin, erat incipiens, conveys the same sense.-R.]
6 Et erat pater ejus, etc., instead of Joseph, etc. [The correct text in Luke ii. 33 is undoubtedly that given by Augustin. Compare critical editions of the Greek text. So Revised Version, "And His father and His mother," etc.-R.]
8 [Compare Revised Version, where the parenthesis is correctly given.-R.]
14 In the Retractations (ii. 16), Augustin alludes to this passage with the view of correcting his statement regarding the adoption. He tells us that, in speaking of the two several fathers whom Joseph may have had, he should not have said that there "was one by whom Joseph was begotten, and another by whom he may have been adopted," but should rather have put it thus: "one by whom he was begotten, and another unto whom he was adopted " (alteri instead of ab altero adoptatus). And the reason indicated for the correction is the probability that the father who begat Joseph was the mother's second husband, who, according to the Levirate law, had married her on the death of his brother without issue. [That Luke gives the lineage of Mary, who was the daughter of Heli, has been held by many scholars. Weiss, in his edition of Meyer's Commentary, claims that this is the only grammatical view: see Robinson's Greek Harmony, rev. ed. pp. 207, 208. Augustin passes over this solution apparently because he was more concerned to press the priestly lineage of Mary.-R.]
17 Reading ordinem; others have originem, descent.
18 Reciperemus. Most of the older Mss. give recipiamus, may receive.
31 Exod. xxxiv. 28; 1 Kings xix. 8.
38 [It is more probable that David should be reckoned twice, in making out the series. Augustin passes over the more serious difficulty arising from the omissions in the genealogy given by Matthew. These omissions, however, show that the evangelist had some purpose in his use of the number "fourteen." Of any design to emphasize the number "forty" there is no evidence.-R.]
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