250 Matt. ix. 1-8.

251 Loquebatur verbum. ["Was speaking the word" is probably the meaning.-R.]

252 Mark ii. 1-12.

253 Et ipse sedebat docens.

254 Luke v. 17-26.

255 Or, state-civitate.

256 Or,state-civitas.

257 Civitatibus.

258 Civitas, city.

259 Ps. lxxxvii. 3.

260 Isa. v. 7; Jer. iii. 20; Ezek. iii. 4.

261 [The true solution of the difficulty is simple. Our Lord had already left Nazareth and made Capernaum His headquarters (comp. Luke iv. 30, 31). But Augustin identifies that incident with a subsequent visit to Nazareth (see ch. xlii.).-R.]

262 Matt. ix. 9.

263 Mark ii. 13, 14.

264 Luke v. 27, 28.

265 Luke vi. 13. [This fact shows that the order of Matthew is not chronological. Indeed, as Augustin goes on, he is led more and more to accept the order of the other evangelists.-R.]

266 Matt. ix. 10-17.

267 Mark ii. 15.

268 Luke v. 27-29.

269 Matt. ix. 11.

270 Mark ii. 16.

271 Luke v. 30.

272 Non utique magistrum eorum nolens illic intelligi, with most Mss. The reading volens occurs in some = not meaning their Master to be referred to, he intimates, etc.

273 Luke v. 32.

274 Omitting in paenitentiam = unto repentance. [These words should be omitted in Matthew and Mark, according to the Greek Mss. Revised Version.-R.]

275 Matt. ix. 14.

276 Pharisaei, not Pharisaeorum. [So the Greek text.-R.]

277 Or, as Augustin's reasoning implies that he understood it, were fasting-erant jejunates. [So Revised Version.-R.]

278 Pharisaeorum.

279 Mark ii. 18.

280 Luke v. 33.

281 Filios nuptiarum.

282 Filios sponsi.

283 Animalibus.

284 Matt. ix. 18-26.

285 Mark v. 21-43.

286 [The events can be arranged in the order of Mark, with the exception of the passage, chap. ii. 15-22. This must be placed, as Augustin says, after the return from "the country of the Gerasenes." Comp. § 89.-R.]

287 Luke viii. 40-56.

288 [This is one of the rare cases where the order of Matthew is more exact than that of Mark and Luke. But the former evangelist has dislocated a long series of events in the same connection. See above.-R.]

289 Conscindis.

290 Luke viii. 50.

291 Mark ix. 24.

292 Mulier.

293 Mulieres.

294 Eam, her.

295 Gen. ii. 22.

296 Mulieres.

297 Num. xxxi. 18.

298 Gal. ii. 4.

299 [The curious variation, in text noted above was probably due to the scribe's confounding the "damsel" with the "woman" who had just been spoken of.-R.]

300 Matt. ix. 27-34. [The view of Augustin is that now generally accepted by harmonists.-R.]

301 Mark x. 46-52; Luke xviii. 35-43.

302 Regnum evangelii.

303 Vexati et jacentes.

304 The Mss. read ejicias; some editions have mittat, send.

305 Matt. ix. 35-x. 42.

306 In circuitu docens.

307 Mark vi. 6-11.

308 Virtutes.

309 Matt. xiii. 54.

310 Luke ix. 1-6.

311 The Ratisbon edition and nineteen Mss. read alio nomine, by another name instead of alio loco.-Migne.

312 In five Mss. Lebdaeum, Lebdeus, is given instead of Lebbeus, but wrongly, as appears from the Greek text of Matt. x. 3.-Migne. [The Vulgate (Matt x. 3) reads Thaddaeus, now accepted by critical editors; so Revised Version. The Authorized Version follows a composite reading (with two early uncials and Syriac versions): "Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus." A harmonistic gloss-R.]

313 Mark vi. 8. [In Matt. x. 10, Luke ix. 3, the later authorities substitute the plural "staves," probably to avoid the seeming discrepancy. The better sustained reading in both passages is "staff."-R.]

314 Jas. i. 13.

315 Deut. xiii. 3.

316 Judicii. John v. 29.

317 Discerne.

318 Ps. xliii. 1.

319 Pueri.

320 Parvuli estote ut sensibus perfecti sitis. 1 Cor. xiv. 20.

321 1 Cor. iii. 18.

322 Gal. vi. 2-5.

323 [Augustin fails to notice that the word "burden" represents different Greek words in Gal. vi. 2-5. His argument here resembles the method of modern expositors who explain the discrepancies of the Authorized Version without consulting the original.-R.]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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