251 Loquebatur verbum. ["Was speaking the word" is probably the meaning.-R.]
260 Isa. v. 7; Jer. iii. 20; Ezek. iii. 4.
261 [The true solution of the difficulty is simple. Our Lord had already left Nazareth and made Capernaum His headquarters (comp. Luke iv. 30, 31). But Augustin identifies that incident with a subsequent visit to Nazareth (see ch. xlii.).-R.]
265 Luke vi. 13. [This fact shows that the order of Matthew is not chronological. Indeed, as Augustin goes on, he is led more and more to accept the order of the other evangelists.-R.]
272 Non utique magistrum eorum nolens illic intelligi, with most Mss. The reading volens occurs in some = not meaning their Master to be referred to, he intimates, etc.
274 Omitting in paenitentiam = unto repentance. [These words should be omitted in Matthew and Mark, according to the Greek Mss. Revised Version.-R.]
276 Pharisaei, not Pharisaeorum. [So the Greek text.-R.]
277 Or, as Augustin's reasoning implies that he understood it, were fasting-erant jejunates. [So Revised Version.-R.]
286 [The events can be arranged in the order of Mark, with the exception of the passage, chap. ii. 15-22. This must be placed, as Augustin says, after the return from "the country of the Gerasenes." Comp. § 89.-R.]
288 [This is one of the rare cases where the order of Matthew is more exact than that of Mark and Luke. But the former evangelist has dislocated a long series of events in the same connection. See above.-R.]
299 [The curious variation, in text noted above was probably due to the scribe's confounding the "damsel" with the "woman" who had just been spoken of.-R.]
300 Matt. ix. 27-34. [The view of Augustin is that now generally accepted by harmonists.-R.]
301 Mark x. 46-52; Luke xviii. 35-43.
304 The Mss. read ejicias; some editions have mittat, send.
311 The Ratisbon edition and nineteen Mss. read alio nomine, by another name instead of alio loco.-Migne.
312 In five Mss. Lebdaeum, Lebdeus, is given instead of Lebbeus, but wrongly, as appears from the Greek text of Matt. x. 3.-Migne. [The Vulgate (Matt x. 3) reads Thaddaeus, now accepted by critical editors; so Revised Version. The Authorized Version follows a composite reading (with two early uncials and Syriac versions): "Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus." A harmonistic gloss-R.]
313 Mark vi. 8. [In Matt. x. 10, Luke ix. 3, the later authorities substitute the plural "staves," probably to avoid the seeming discrepancy. The better sustained reading in both passages is "staff."-R.]
320 Parvuli estote ut sensibus perfecti sitis. 1 Cor. xiv. 20.
323 [Augustin fails to notice that the word "burden" represents different Greek words in Gal. vi. 2-5. His argument here resembles the method of modern expositors who explain the discrepancies of the Authorized Version without consulting the original.-R.]
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |