381 6 Dicebant: so that the reading e_legon is followed instead of e_legen in Mark vi. 14. [Westcott and Hort give the plural in their text, following the Vatican codex and some other authorities.-R.]
383 [Augustin gives the reading followed in the Revised Version ("John whom I beheaded, he is risen"). The translator gives the words of the Authorized Version.-R.]
386 John ii. 1, 12, iii. 22-24.
387 The reading in the Mss. and in Migne's text is, quis autem non putet qui minus in his litteris eruditus est; for which some give, quis autem non putet nisi qui minus, etc.
390 Matt. xiv. 1, 2; Mark vi. 14-16.
397 [Augustin here passes over one of the most difficult questions in connection with the Gospel history. The length of our Lord's ministry turns upon the feast referred to in John v. If it was passover, then John refers to four passovers; and our Lord's ministry extended over three years and a few weeks. If some other feast is meant, the ministry covered but two years and a few weeks.-R.]
400 Mark vi. 34-44; Luke ix. 12-17.
408 Reading in monte fuisse cum eisdem turbis quas de quinque panibus pavit. According to Migne, this is the reading of several Mss. of the better class; some twelve other Mss. give in monte fuisse cum easdem turbas, etc. = "He was on a mountain when He fed," etc. Some editions have also in montem fugisse cum easdem, etc. = "He departed to a mountain when He fed," etc.
410 [The difficulty in regard to the course of the ship did not suggest itself to Augustin, nor does he allude to the position Bethsaida. Luke ix. 10 seems to place it on one side of the lake and Mark vi. 45 on the other. A contrary wind would blow them across the lake, unless they were trying to get to some point on the eastern shore; from which shore they certainly started, after the feeding of the five thousand.-R.]
424 ["Magdala," as the Authorized Version reads in Matthew, is poorly supported, and was probably substituted by some ignorant scribe for "Magadan" (comp. Revised Version). In Mark viii. 10, however, the reading "Dalmanutha" is well attested. Augustin refers to Latin codices.-R.]
427 Some editions omit the me in quem me dicum, etc., and make it = Whom do men say that the Son of man is?
431 Adopting, with the Ratisbon Mss., eum movet qui nunquam oravit in via. Another reading is, eum movet qui putat nunquam, etc. = a difficulty to the man who thinks He never prayed on the way.
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