255 Mark xvi. 2. [Mark's expression, according to the Greek text is more explicit: "when the sun was risen." But this is to be explained by the context, as Augustin indicates.-R.]
263 Mane cum adhuc tenebrae essent.
264 [The difficulty arises from taking vespere in its technical sense, as referring to the previous evening. As already intimated (see note on § 63), the Greek does not necessarily imply this.-R.]
266 A sentence is sometimes added here in the editions, namely, Hinc magna redditur ratio verbi Domini = hence a large account is given of the Lord's word. It is omitted in the Mss.
268 The text gives, extremum diem tempus parasceues. One of the Vatican Mss. reads primum diem, etc. = the first day.
269 See above, Book ii. chap. 56, § 113.
270 [The Greek text connects closely this clause with the following one. Comp. Revised Version.-R.]
271 The words, "and certain others with them," are omitted here. [So the Greek text, according to the best authorities. Comp. Revised Version.-R.]
273 [Matthew tells nothing of their entering the tomb: but Mark distinctly affirms this, as does Luke.-R.]
274 [The view that there were two parties of women is not noticed by Augustin. His explanations are in the main pertinent, though harmonists and commentators still disagree in regard to the details.-R.]
276 The text follows the Mss. in reading sine dubio caeteris mulieribus...plurimum dilectione ferventior. Some editions insert cum before caeteris mulieribus; in which case the sense would be = Mary Magdalene, unquestionably accompanied by the other women who had ministered to the Lord, but herself more ardent, etc.
287 [Augustin makes no allusion to the doubtful genuineness of Mark xvi. 9-20. The passage appears in nearly all early Latin codices.-R.]
289 Some editions read undecim = the eleven.
291 [Tu solus peregrinus es, agreeing with the Greek text: "Art thou the only sojourner," etc. But comp. Revised Version.-R.]
292 Another reading occurs here, non invenerunt = Him they found not.
294 [Luke xxiv. 12 is omitted by Tischendorf, on the authority of codices allied to the text of the Vulgate. The omission was probably occasioned by the difficulties discussed above.-R.]
295 The text has, Sive alios quosdam duodecim discipulos Paulus, etc. In the Mss. another reading is found: Sive alios quosdam duodecim apostolus, etc. = it may be that the Apostle Paul intended some other twelve to be understood, etc.
296 For sacratum illum numerum, five Mss. give sacramentum illius numeri = the mystical symbol of that number.
302 Agrum = field, domain, as the equivalent for a0gro/n.
307 The text gives, Non enim sicut erat, apparuit, etc. Some editions make it non enim aliter quam erat, sed sicut erat apparuit = for He did not really assume another form, but appeared in that which He had.
311 The words Ego sum, nolite timere, are thus inserted.
314 Et cum manducasset coram eis, sumens reliquias dedit eis.
317 Luke xxiv. 44-49. [Many harmonists place this passage in connection with this appearance (evening of the Resurrection day); but part of it may belong to the final appearance, or be a summary of the teaching during the forty days.-R.]
321 Novissime. [The Greek is u9steron, "afterwards," not necessarily "lastly."-R.]
327 Some editions read si = if I will, etc. But the best editions and Mss. give sic, as above. And that Augustin read it so, is clear also from what occurs further on in Book iv. 20.
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