16 [ba/llein] G. T.

17 Morel. "having thus hinted that which he wished, he again begins, saying, Jesus therefore cometh," &c.

18 This account does not agree with the history, (2 Kings xv. 29, 30,) but there is no other reading.

19 i.e. the Egyptians.

20 barba/rouj.

21 lit. "started away from."

22 lit. "registered."

23 al. "truly little."

24 eu0sebei/an.

25 ba/nauson kai\ u9gro\n.

26 lit. "introducing."

27 or "active."

28 pare/rgwj.

29 a0ristopoiou=ntai. See on Stat. Hom. ix. 1, and note.

30 pa/rergon.

31 al. "having departed."

32 a@qroon.

33 al. "so great."

34 sunesta/lqai.

35 e0ka/qhto [e0kaqe/zeto] G. T.

36 e0pi\ th=| phgh=|.

37 w9j e@tuxen.

38 al. "had not yet come."

39 al. being asked for water by Christ; for, "Give Me to drink," the Evangelist tells us, was what Christ said to her. What then saith she? "How is it," &c.

40 al. "sin."

41 i.e. custom.

42 al. "introduction."

43 i.e. conversion.

44 i.e. of salvation.

45 Ku/rie, "Sir," E. V.

46 die/sure.

47 al. "not even he."

48 al. "having seen."

49 or, "coolness."

50 a0poknai/ontej, al. a0poknou=ntej.

51 al. "to enter in."

52 c. vii. 49. al. "is not this people," &c.

53 al. "an account."

54 al. "live only for the present," kata\ to\ p.

55 al. "incorrupt."

1 al. "saith the same now."

2 al. "some flourishing."

3 al. "as quenching easily."

4 al. "of God."

5 al. "leads up."

6 or, "to remember."

7 or, "see clearly."

8 al. "things given."

9 kathxei=n.

10 eu0gnwmonoj.

11 al. "readiness."

12 o9 e0rxo/menoj pro/j me, G. T.

13 al. "not finite."

14 e@legxon.

15 or, "is the work of."

16 oi0keiou=sqai.

17 al. "to be hidden."

18 al. "the thing which."

19 kai\ u9m. le/gete, G. T.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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