16 Cf. St. Irenaeus, iv. 33. 2, p. 405, O. T.

17 e#n. The common texts add pro/sopon, "one person."

1 to\n lo/gon th=j a0rxh=j tou= Xristou=. Literally, "the discourse of the beginning of Christ"; but presently St. Chrys. substitutes for this, h9 a0rxh\ tou= lo/gou, "the beginning of the doctrine," as the words are translated in our version.

2 ta\ stoixei=a th=j a0rxh=j.

3 e0nedoeuo/ntwn au0tou\j.

4 h9 a0rxh\ tou= lo/gou.

5 The Faith; pi/stij with the article in this place and a little below means the Creed; as we say "the Belief." [Yet it would be impossible to substitute the word "Creed"-"Creed in the resurrection." &c. What is meant is that Christian belief which finds expression in the Creed, as well as elsewhere.-F. G.]

6 or "the letters."

7 to\ a!lfa.

8 dei=cai.

9 That is, the Apostle repudiates the teaching of more than one baptism.

10 e0c a0rxh=j.

11 nh/yate.

12 St. Chrys.'s exposition requires this literal translation of the participle. He gives two explanations of it, "to renew them by crucifying afresh," and "seeing they crucify afresh."

13 e0ntreptiko=j.

14 dia\ loutrou=.

15 sterrou\j kainou\j, Sav. Ben.

16 The common editions add ou#twj ou0de\ baptisqh=nai, "so neither [is it possible] to be baptized [a second time]." The apodosis is wanting in the older text, as it is in several other places.

17 [The original has a paronomasia hardly to be reproduced in English. The word is, paradeigmatismo/j, of which the paradeigmati/sai = "put to an open shame," above is the verb.-F. G.]

18 The later texts add e9auto\n, "that baptizeth himself." St. Chrys. however is speaking of a bishop who repeats baptism.

19 S. B. add pa/lin.

20 xa/rij. The word is used throughout this passage in the sense of remission, as explained in the next clause.

21 The longer text in Sav. and Ben. adds, deute/rw| de\ o#ti ou0, "and secondly because it is not," &c.: the shorter text has only ou0de;, omitting "secondly." There are many other instances of a similar negligence of style in the genuine text, as also in other works of St. Chrys.

22 The common texts add ta\ e0kei=, "the things in heaven." But St. Chrys. is speaking of present privileges here on earth.

23 The common texts add kai\ a0po\ e0cagoreu/sewj, "and [of] from confession."

24 sustre/fon.

25 kai\ pi/stesin. [These same two words, e0lehmosu/nai, "almsgiving and acts of faithfulness," are used by the Septuagint to translate "mercy and truth" in Prov. iii. 3 also, as if pi/steij were the distinct acts of faithfulness which go to make up truth, comp. true of heart throughout the Psalms.]

26 This seems to be an expression of the doctrine of James v. 19, 20, partially in the language of our Lord, Luke xxii. 33. [Cf. Acts iii. 19.]

27 e!xein oi0kei/wj.

28 kat' ei\doj.

29 ei0j e$n, or, "once for all."

30 kathfei=n, "seriousness."

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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