16 paroinh/qentoj, "insulted by men heated with wine."

17 al. "sets them in brief before us in these words."

18 a0ne/pafon.

19 a0plw=j.

20 i.e. of Baptism.

21 Lit. "bloods."

22 pasta/doj.

23 al. "think."

1 al. "let him mark what is clear, &c."

2 al. "very plain."

3 al. "to be contradictory."

4 diakwdwni/santej, "having tried by ringing."

5 a9plw=j.

6 e0k pare/rgou.

7 sune/dria.

8 a0potei/nesqai.

9 muri/a.

10 i.e. having come to the assembly.

11 a0fosiwsa/menoi.

12 al. "for the day."

13 gnh/sioj.

14 al. "descent."

15 al. "possesses."

16 mete/pesen, "fall from what It was into."

17 al. "truly impious."

18 The Docetae, who maintained that our Lord appeared only to act and suffer in the Flesh, and that His Body was a phantom. Perhaps they are the heretics specially alluded to by St. John, 1 Ep. iv. 2, and 2 Ep. 7.

19 ou0siw/qh.

20 metapesei=n.

21 Lit, "tabernacling."

22 Lit. "which tabernacles."

23 e9nw/sei.

24 sunafei/a.

25 a0fra/stou.

26 al. "seek not accurately."

27 al. "ineffable mystery."

28 katorqw/mata.

29 al. "let us."

30 pareggua/santej.

1 prw/hn

2 filostorgi/aj.

3 al. "speaking."

4 pararruh=nai.

5 al. "that it was not otherwise than by."

6 suntro/fou.

7 a!kraton.

8 Morel. "make the intolerable (brightness) of his countenance bearable to them."

9 e0skh/nwsen.

10 [were glorified.]

11 paranoi/cantej.

12 al. "all but saying."

13 al. "and Master."

14 para/sthsai.

15 Morel. "and heavenly multitudes appearing on earth of Angels ministering."

16 al. "coming together."

17 e0pterw/qhsan, "made winged."

18 mete/wroi.

19 al. "nature."

20 "Throughout," E. V.

21 e0gkaluya/menoj.

22 al. "and death itself."

23 tou\j memh/notaj.

24 saghneu/sasa from sagh/nh, "a seine net."

25 al. "brought them out."

26 pa/qh.

27 al. "we."

28 stoixei/oij.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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