4 tw=| prosw/pw|, "before the Face."
8 e0mfani/zetai. "He makes Himself visible," "apparent"; so "presents Himself," or "appears in presence": in His Human Nature.
9 St. Chrys. understands this passage as meaning that peace was made between things on earth and those in Heaven, between us and the Angels. See his Homily on Col. i. 20 [pp. 212 sqq. O. T.]. By introducing this subject of the Father not being inimical to us, he seems to guard against any misinterpretation of what he had said, Hom. xvi. [2].
11 The Apostle has here stated something covertly. What this is St. Chrys. proceeds to explain.
17 a0nenegkei=n. Lit. to bring or bear up: hence to refer to or bring before a person, to present. The word is used in the Epistle to the Hebrews for "offer" as a sacrifice; vii. 27; xiii. 15. [This secondary meaning is brought out in 1 Pet. ii. 24, o$j a9marti/aj h9mwn au0to\j a0nh/negken e0n tw=| sw/mati au0tou= e0pi\ to\ cu/lon, "Who bore up our sins in His body upon the cross," viz. to expiate them. It is a common word in the LXX. for offering sacrifice, both its primary and secondary meanings corresponding to those of the Hebrew word which it translates.-F. G.]
19 [This occurs, not absolutely verbally in the "prayer of Trisagion," in St. Chrys.'s liturgy. See Dr. Neale's Liturgies of Mark, &c., p. 121, Hayes, 1859.]
20 a9gia/zw, "devote as a Sacrifice." See St. Chrys. Homily on the words, John xvii. 19.
21 The common editions have kat' e0niauto\n "year by year," before tai=j au0tai=j qusi/aij, as has the old translation of Mutian.; but it is omitted in the best mss.
22 ai\j&Eaxute\ a$j, "which," Ben. Sav.
24 St. Chrys. here reverts to ch. ix. 26, to supply an explanation of the words ei0j a0qe/thsin th=j a9marti/aj dia\ th=j qusi/aj au0tou= pefane/rwtai, which he had omitted before: a0qe/thsij is properly ["setting aside."-F. C.] "annulling" "rendering invalid and of no effect," thence it is used for "despising," "treating as nothing worth."
26 This is an imperfect sentence; the interpolator substitutes for the lacuna and the next sentence the following: "that it was done simply and not because of weakness. For if it were not done because of weakness, why was it done at all? For if there are no wounds, neither is there afterwards need of medicines for the patient." Mr. Field prefers leaving it as it stands without conjecturing what is omitted: only observing that the words "this is done" refer to the Levitical sacrifices continued after the completion of that on the Cross.
29 tou=to e0kei/nhj tu/poj e0sti\, kai\ au#th e0kei/nhj .
34 Lent; devoted to preparation for the Easter Communion.
35 After the Oblation was made and before the Communion the deacon proclaimed ta\ a#gia toi=j a9gi/oij, "The Holy things for the holy."
8 St. Chrys. seems to refer to some place where it is said that God desired (e0pequ/mhse) the death of the wicked. It does not appear what passage he had in view.
9 That is from other arguments than the words of the Old Testament.
10 [The English editor supplies this ellipsis with the words "to whom he wrote." The reference seems rather to be to "the enemies," and such was apparently the understanding of Mutianus and of the Benedictine editor.-F. G.]
11 The words of the LXX. are "He took me out of the furnace of poverty."
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