1 paqhma/twn.

2 qli/yesi.

3 toi=j desmi/oij. This is held to be the true reading of the sacred text: toi=j desmoi@j mou was substituted here, but not in the body of the Homily, in some mss. and in the editions of St. Chrys. before the Benedictine.

4 e9autoi=j without e0n is the approved reading of the sacred text, and is found in all the mss. and Edd. of St. Chrys. [It is the reading in the margin of the A. V. and of the R. V. There is but slight authority for the e0n. "In heaven" is also omitted by the more important authorities, the critical editors, and by the R. V.-F. G.]

5 e0nh/gesqe.

6 a@qlhsin, a contest, as that of wrestlers.

7 The common editions have the entire text, "My tears have been my meat day and night, while," &c.

8 qeatrizo/menoi.

9 A catena, the Verona editions, and perhaps one ms. have "with my bonds."

10 kathciw/qhsan u9pe\r tou= o0no/matoj a0timasqh=nai. The common editions of St. Chrys. as the common text of the New Testament, add au0tou=, "His Name," in this and in other places.

11 prosede/casqe.

12 It is to be observed that the words "He that cometh will come and will not tarry," are from the prophet Habakkuk ii. 3: where the LXX. has, e0a\n u9sterh/sh| u9po/meinon au0to\n ("Him" not "it.") o@ti e0rxo/menoj h@cei, kai\ ou0 mh\ xroni/sh|, &c. The Apostle interprets this by adding the article: o9 e0rxo/menoj, the well-known designation of the Messiah.

13 "substantiality."

14 dh/lwn. Savile and Morell following some mss. read a0dh/lwn, "obscure": but St. Chrys. means that we use the word e@legxoj of a proof which makes things most certain and evident [and so Mutianus read.-F. G.].

15 u9po/stasin.

16 ou9si/a.

17 or, "righteous."

18 ta\ th=j a0.

19 a0pi/qanon.

20 h9 de\ e9ka/stou zwh\ e0ggute/ra pollw=| kai\ h9 teleuth/. But Mut. "sed et vitae finis uniuscujuscunque prope est."

21 to\ xalepo/n.

22 Or might it be read, a0koh=j lo/gon o0fei/lw; "am I responsible for what I hear, for common reports?"

23 e0napome/nei.

24 e0napoqane/tw.

1 "was testified of."

2 lalei=, with the most approved mss. of the Epistle; the editions have lalei=tai; which is the reading of the common texts of the N. T.

3 to\ th=j pi/stewj.

4 w#ste ei\nai para/klhsin u9mi=n : the common editions follow mss. in which the very words of Rom. i. 12 have been substituted.

5 koinh=j e0nnoi/aj.

6 Thus the sentence is inconsequent, as it stands in the best texts: in the common editions it is altered to, "For inasmuch as the Faith was at that time calumniated," &c.

7 a0napo/deikton.

8 At this place and generally throughout the Homily: the later texts and the common editions insert the words of the Epistle, but not so the best mss. or the old translation.

9 e0c ou0k o@ntwn, i.e. "out of nothing."

10 "De nihilo nihil" is probably referred to.

11 a!narxoj.

12 a0ge/nnhtoj.

13 le/gontej, an irregular construction: the common texts substitute le/gousin.

14 a0porw/teron.

15 au0to/matoj.

16 to\ koi/non.

17 gumna/zei.

18 a@cioj. St. Chrys. takes the word in its primary sense, "of like value," "worth as much as." See Hom. xxvii. [6], pp. 489 sqq.

19 oi0kei=on to\ pa/qoj.

20 ta\ par' au0tou=.

21 The reading of some mss. and of the editions except Savile's was o9 ku/ri/oj instead of o9 Su/roj. On this Montfaucon has the note: "This sentence is imperfect. Mutianus's rendering is, `On Abel (saith he) He looked, and on his sacrifices. 0' But in the Syrian language it has, `And set [them] on fire. 0' It would seem. therefore, that we should read. o9 Su/roj, kai\ e0nepu/risen, ei\pen. The Hebrew words are hwhy (yw

, which (not the Syriac translator, but) Theodotion renders kai\ e0nepu/risen o9 Qeo/j, `And God set [them] on fire, 0' as may be seen in our edition of the Hexapla, and is proved by Jerome's testimony on the passage. For the Syriac translation is, `and God was well pleased. 0' So perhaps it might be an error of Chrysostom." Four of the six mss. mentioned by Mr. Field [but not the Catena] have Su/roj. [Field's mss. A and O have ku/rioj.-F. G.]

22 h9 e0piskoph/ h9 par' au0tou=.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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